Entering any random relationship is easy, but how about dating a real Ukrainian girl? They say that Ukrainian women are a true quest for any foreign man. But is it true? What is the secret to successful dating with a Slavic woman and how to pull Ukrainian ladies for marriage? These are all the secrets you might want to hear out attentively:
Tip number one: Ukrainian girls love decent men with dignity
A Ukrainian girl would never pick a toxic and manipulative man because she cherishes herself above all (as she should, honestly.) And it’s not only a Ukrainian thing because nobody likes offensive and mean-spirited people. If you want to make your partner comfortable and receive love, as well as affection, you have to be fair and square about your relationships, having a strong moral compass. Stick to your words and always do what you were intended to do.
Tip number two: don’t be a pushover
If you are not one of the easiest people to deal with, you might have a clash of personalities with a Ukrainian woman because those ladies are spicy as well. Even though not everyone manages conflict well, you have to realize that a relationship is not always about winning the argument or establishing power and control. You are playing as a team on the court, and it’s not a competition. Even though you still have to be assertive, your girlfriend should feel the support. It is the only right way to coexist with a Ukrainian woman.
Tip number three: Ukrainian women love self-sufficient men
Autonomy is a universally essential quality every mature person should acquire when entering a relationship, both romantic and friendly. If you feel comfortable enough living on your own not delegating your decisions to relatives or acquaintances, a Ukrainian girl will appreciate it tons. Independence always manifests as the ability to fulfill basic needs, such as providing food, doing the chores, washing your bed sheets, and finding spare socks. A Ukrainian girl doesn’t want to feel like a housemaid, although she perfectly knows how to cook and clean.
Tip number four: show your responsibility
One of the main traits is that a Ukrainian girl looks for in a man is his responsibility. If a guy constantly forgets about his promises and avoids uncomfortable conversations, he might never gain the trust of a Slavic girl. Responsibility is the basis of mutual care in a relationship.
Tip number five: loyalty is a must
Loyalty and fidelity are the cornerstones of every healthy and prosperous relationship. Ukrainian girls hate lies, deception, cheating, and this behavior is not normalized in Ukraine by any means.
Tip number six: plan everything ahead
Ukrainian women only accept a responsible partner who sticks to his words and follows through with a plan. Strategic thinking and a steady approach should reflect on every aspect of your relationship, from dinner dates to long-term plans.
Tip number seven: kindness will be a shortcut to her heart
If a man is kind, he is easy to be trusted. Every Ukrainian woman dreams of emotional support and a healthy dose of positive emotions.
Tip number eight: show your reliability
If you agree to meet at 7 p.m., don’t flake or be late, even if you don’t want to leave the house because of bad weather.
Tip number nine: modesty is key
Ukrainian girls hate cocky men despite the common misconception that they like boasting, flashy gifts, and overly grand gestures. Name-dropping is tone-deaf too.
Tip number ten: be a compassionate friend
Because Ukrainian women were brought up in households with hard-working parents, chances are, not every emotional need was met. You can eliminate that lack by being an attentive listener.