Wings are a sign that is associated with movement, flight, thought, imagination and spirituality. Taoism says that the enlightened persons grow wings. Christians believe in winged angels. Plato wrote about the growth of the wings of the soul, when contemplating beauty.
Using the picture of wings in logos business owners try to get trust to their product.
Which elements are usually chosen?
Wings are often used in commerce, because they are endowed not only with symbolism, but also look beautiful. Such a logo sets the client up for the fact that the product with this sign will be of high quality. Automakers often use the car logo with wings car logo with wings, hinting that by purchasing a car, you gain power, speed, dynamics and independence.
Three well-known brands – Aston Martin, Bentley and Chrysler – have wings in the base of their logo. This symbol was chosen by each for different reasons, but apparently all three should mean driving these cars with the flight of a bird…
What unites Aston Martin, Bentley and Chrysler? All three companies produce beautiful and powerful cars, however, for different niches. However, these brands share the proud wings spread out on the hoods of their cars… And the feeling of flying faster than the wind… This car emblem emphasizes the speed, power and independence of car owners.
The Mini logo is also framed on both sides by stylized wings, which emphasizes the miniature, lightness and elegance characteristic of cars of this brand.
What brands also use wings in their logos?
Wings are used in logos of Weezer, Van Halen, Harley-Davidson companies. Absolutely different enterprises cling wings to the main images, making them more sublime. It is curious that rock bands began to complement logos with wings after the appearance of Aerosmith.
Another good example, is the logo of the London EV Company, which is famous for cars used in the taxi of London. The monochrome logo of these cars with wings, made in a noble English style, reminds of the famous Pegasus — a symbol of flight and inspiration.
The wings on the Rezvani logo, which belongs to the young car manufacturer, repeating the outlines of the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II fighter, appeared as the embodiment of the dream of the founder of the firm Ferris Rezvani about a career as a pilot (this is the model of the aircraft piloted by his father). And although Ferris never connected his life with aviation, his desire for flight and speed was embodied in beautiful and super-powerful cars.
Car manufacturers always strive to emphasize their power, speed and nobility. For this purpose, recognizable symbols are used by everyone, often these are the wings of birds (or angels.
Which colors are usually used in logos with wings?
The color filling of such a logo should not be burdened with dark colors (black, dark blue), unless it is a combination of black and metallic or gold, like Chrysler. The blue color will look good in light (heavenly) tones with partial blurring, without clearly drawn borders.
Meanwhile, the colors of the logo with wings can be completely different. In this case, there are no clear preferences about color. The main thing is to take into account the specifics of the company and its strengths in order to reflect this in the brand name. When choosing a color solution, designers rely on the corporate style or the name of the organization.