
From an overbearing boss to a long commute and tough working hours- it’s safe to say that some degree of stress is unavoidable. Knowing how you can make things easier on yourself is the first step to you being able to live a longer and happier life. If you want to find out more then all you have to do is take a look below.

You’re Always Working Overtime

In this day and age, it is rare for you to find a job that gives you the chance to leave on time, every single day. A lot of people will find that they have to work late or get to work early just so that they can meet their basic responsibilities. That being said, you have to make sure that you do not make a routine out of doing this. If you do, then you may find that your health ends up suffering. Working long hours can increase your chance of experiencing heart disease, a stroke or even depression. There is also evidence that supports the fact that if you work overtime too often, you may end up experiencing cognitive decline. If you work too many long hours, then you may increase your chances of getting in a car accident too.  This is especially the case if you drive for a living. If you have been in an accident then now would be the best time for you to hire a spinal cord injury lawyer.

Never Getting Up from Your Desk

Being sedentary all the time will impact you more than you realise. It will increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. If you want to work against this, then one thing you can do is try and get up now and again. If you sit with your knees below your hips, then this will encourage your hips to tilt forward. See if your company offers desk assessments so you can reduce the risks that come with your working environment. This could include getting a standing desk or you taking regular breaks so you can stretch your legs. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to benefit your mental and physical health.

You Never Sit Down

Taking things to the other extreme, any job that requires you to be on your feet all the time comes with several issues too. Did you know that half the employees in the world spend 75% of their time standing up? Those who work in retail, food services or even healthcare don’t get to sit down often, and this can cause several issues. If you are always on your feet then this can lead to varicose veins, bad circulation and even swelling of the feet. If you want to do something about this then you need to try and talk with your boss to see if they can accommodate you sitting down more, or simply ask for more breaks in the day so you can avoid putting your health at risk.