Whatever your feelings on Gen-Z, there’s no doubt that they are the healthiest of recent generations. They see exercise as a way to boost their mental health as well as stay fit and strong, and are more in tune with healthy diets. The other area that’s seeing them buck the trends of previous generations is their approach to alcohol. They are less likely to drink alcohol regularly, and many choose not to drink at all. Could they be onto something? Take a closer look at why cutting out alcohol could have an impact on your health and wellbeing.

Focus on wellness

The main reason to cut down on drinking is to help you focus on wellness. Gen-Z puts an increasing amount of focus on wellness, adopting various rituals and routines that are designed to improve their overall health and wellbeing. Cutting back on alcohol can improve your diet and avoid many of its after-effects, including hangovers and tiredness, helping you feel better in yourself.

Drink less, be more productive

Your health impacts your productivity, and it can be interesting to examine how your energy levels and mental-clarity and focus are impacted by drinking. If after-work drinks affect your performance in the office the next day, or you notice that a Friday night out means a lazy Saturday, it could be time to look at how you can cut back on your drinking to help you get more done.

Take steps to improve your future health

There’s no denying that cutting back on alcohol brings both immediate and long-term health benefits. Some of the effects of cutting back on drinking include:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Repairing of your liver
  • Decreased risk of heart disease
  • Weight loss
  • Better sleep

And those are just some of the effects. If you’re serious about your future health, then taking a closer look at your drinking habits could lead to some changes that you’ll not only feel now, but way into the future too. If you feel that your drinking is a more serious problem, you could think about a partial hospitalization program to help you quit. Many people find giving up drinking easy, but for others, it can take a lot more work to make this lifestyle change.

Make time for other activities

Cutting back on drinking can also help you make time for other activities. Want to get fit? You can now wake up early to go to the gym? Want to save money for travel and other experiences? Going alcohol-free could help you gather the funds you need. When you take drinking out of the equation, you can suddenly find that you have time for a little more, and enjoy a clearer head while doing it.

Cutting back on alcohol doesn’t have to mean giving it up altogether, but if you’re a regular drinker, then cutting back will undoubtedly have an impact on your current and future health. There’s a lot to be learned from Gen-Z and their health habits, so why not take a leaf out of their book and cut back to see the difference it can make?