Did you know that there are two types of property markets? A sellers market is where there are few houses available but buyers are plentiful. As someone trying to get a sale, this is the ideal scenario. The opposite is a buyer’s market, where many people are trying to sell but there are fewer buyers.

The UK is currently in a buyer’s market. Few people are looking to purchase a home due to high interest rates and tighter mortgage restrictions. Therefore, if you want to sell you will need our expert guide found below.

Consider Pricing

If you want to sell in a buyer’s market, the first place to look is with your price tag, or at least the amount you will consider taking for the property. With so few houses on the market, sales are more likely to occur if people are getting more for their money. You can hang on and get the price you want, but it is not something that will be conducive to a quick sale. It could take years.

Few places in the United Kingdom have seen prices rise over the last year and in many areas, they have fallen. Even traditionally strong places like the commuter belt and towns like Milton Keynes have seen a drop-off. For residents who want to sell in places such as this, companies such as We Buy Any Home in Milton Keynes are a viable option. While they may not give the full asking price, they can guarantee sales in as little as 7 days. This is a vast increase compared to mortgage-bought properties.


One of the easiest and most cost-effective methods of selling a home is to declutter. When you do have people come to view it, they need to see the space and don’t want to be tripping over your many household items. They also need to be able to see what the property would be like if it were their own home.

This does not mean you should rob it of personality. It still needs to look like a person or family lives there, so don’t take away pictures or ornaments that show this. Instead, remove unwanted items, furniture, or anything that is not serving a purpose. You can have a garage sale, or if you want it for the next home consider putting it into storage.

Get Professional Pictures

UK property websites can often hold some unbelievable pictures of people’s houses. Yet turn to ones in the US and you will see pictures that are professionally shot, glitzy, and show the house to its fullest. If you want to sell, take a leaf out of the American books and do it properly.

Tidy up this house with a lick of paint and tend to the exterior, such as the garden and fascia. Book a photographer to come at the time of day when the house gets the most light. Do a huge clean before they arrive. This will allow them to get the best pictures.

These tips won’t guarantee you a sale but they will make it much easier. Hopefully, the market will soon ease but until then, you may just have to follow our handy hints and hope for the best.