Protecting our eyesight is a responsibility we must all acknowledge. Whether your eyes are in good health or you have a prescription, it’s imperative that you take the necessary steps to support them. After all, they play a central role in our general wellness, happiness, and interactions with the world.

Sadly, you can’t remove the threat of declining eyesight or progressive conditions. Nonetheless, several steps may be taken to promote increased eye health. Here are six of the best.

Use Nutrition To Your Advantage

Nutrition naturally has a huge influence on our health, and the eyes are no different. You can improve your daily functions with vitamin E. This includes protecting your vision and preventing age-related cataracts. Other benefits include improved antioxidant defenses and healthier skin.

Aside from vitamin E, it is vital that you stay hydrated. It flushes out toxins and protects your eyes from within. As well as drinking more water, you may find that eye drops are ideal for promoting increased hydration. Nuts, carrots, and grains should also be incorporated into your diet. For immediate and long-term eye health, this can make a huge difference.

Wear Protective Eyewear

There are many situations in which you may have to wear protective eyewear. Everyone that has to do this should take care of those items. However, it takes on an even greater level of importance if you have a prescription. This is because the products will be tailored to your personal needs.

Whether it’s caring for prescription safety goggles or face shields, you have to be proactive. Otherwise, a single mistake or mishap could cause irreversible damage. The workplace isn’t the only location where you need to take extra care, though. You should also take care by wearing sunglasses or blue light blocking glasses in the right situations. Be safe. Not sorry.

Take Screen Breaks

While wearing specialized glasses to block blue light will help, your eyes will still be put under a lot of strain from your office job. So, it’s vital that you implement screen breaks to give your eyes a rest. Aside from getting a break from the screen, you should try to focus on items in the distance to mix things up.

Crucially, you should use this time to walk around and get the blood pumping. When you do, your boss should be happy as it will translate to increased productivity. A five minute break once per hour should suffice. You can use this time to complete other tasks, whether that’s admin or fetching yourself a drink. This will slow the rate of any regression in your sight.

Exercise The Eyes 

As with any other part of the body, the eyes can become stronger through exercise. While it may seem a little surreal to start the process, you will never look back once the benefits start to show. The great news is that the exercises can be completed from virtually anywhere and only require a few minutes daily.

They can help with convergence insufficiency, lazy eye, double vision, and depth perception. However, they can also promote increased focus for everyone. This is done by strengthening eye muscles to make movements easier. Common moves include blinking, pencil push-ups, and figure eights. It doesn’t take long for you to notice the difference and it slows conditions.

Stay Healthy

There are many reasons to adopt a healthier lifestyle, but protecting the eyes can be an extra incentive. Diabetes can lead to damaged blood vessels in the eyes. So, reducing the risks through maintaining a healthy BMI should be high on the agenda. It will also lower your blood pressure for greater results.

Staying fit and healthy should be enjoyable. Playing team sports or attending fitness classes will add a social element. Or if you have a love of exploring new places, walking and cycling are great choices. When coupled with a commitment to manage chronic conditions like sclerosis, your eyes will stay in better health. Your overall wellness will improve too.

Stay Clean

Finally, the eyes are very vulnerable to germs. Sadly, this is an aspect that many people overlook. If you wear contact lenses, it’s essential that you keep them clean before putting them into your eyes. Meanwhile, you should keep your hands clean as you will naturally touch your eyes during the day.

Rubbing dirt and debris into the eyes will cause irritation. It could even scratch the lens or lead to infections. If you feel that something is in your eye, you should wash it out ASAP. it is always better to be extra precautious. If you use lots of hair spray and products, washing it out before bed can be useful. Otherwise, you may sweat it into your eyes to cause stinging.