If you’ve just recently built an Instagram page, then you most likely understand just how difficult it can be to grow it. You may have plenty of amazing ideas and posts that you want to share with the world, but you may still be stuck on a specific number of followers and a low number of likes, without knowing what to do so as to increase those. And yet, you do want to increase them, aiming at growing your page and establishing your brand on this platform.

The thing is, though, you may not exactly know how to do that the right way. In short, you are looking to quickly grow your page, but you are out of ideas on how to achieve that particular goal. So, that is what we are going to be discussing today, hoping to help you get a better understanding of how to finally boost that number of likes and followers and start building credibility. As you will see, there are some important things you’ll have to do in order to make this happen.

If you’re not quite clear on how to grow your business on Instagram, this is what you should know: https://nichehacks.com/7-ways-to-grow-small-business-instagram/

Why Focus on Growing Your Page in the First Place?

Now, before we get to the part of explaining what it is that you should do in order to grow your page, we first have to answer one basic question here. Put simply, we need to make clear why focusing on growing your page on this platform is so important in the first place. Let me, thus, talk a bit about that right now.

For one thing, growing your page means reaching wider audiences. The algorithm tends to favor those posts that have higher engagement, as well as those pages that have a higher number of followers. Meaning, thus, that working on growth can lead to more people seeing your posts in the explore section, which will ultimately lead to more growth. On top of that, doing this will help you build trust among your audience, because people are more likely to find pages with high numbers of followers and likes reliable and trustworthy. So, in short, this is a brand building process that you definitely need to invest your time and effort in.

How to Do It Quickly?

It is clear that it takes time to grow your Instagram pages. Nevertheless, the idea of growing it quickly is not impossible, as there are some great strategies that you can use in order to make that happen. Some, naturally, work more quickly than others, and it is your task to understand them and then use them to your advantage, aiming at building a strong social media presence and thus boost your brand’s visibility and credibility. So, below you’ll find some strategies that you absolutely have to use.

  1. Buy Likes and Followers

Let us begin with the most basic step you should take when looking to quickly grow your page. In short, you should think about buying some likes and followers, so as to jumpstart the growth by getting immediate visibility and engagement. So, all you have to do is find a good provider and get things started. When you take a look at iDigic and similar providers, you will realize that there are different packages you can invest in, so make sure to choose the one that will suit you best. And, always remember that investing gradually is the right thing to do, as it is much more effective than buying a huge number at once.

Why should you even think about investing in this strategy, though? What is it that it actually brings to the table? Well, for one thing, it automatically boosts your visibility and provides you with social proof, which leads to boosting organic growth as well. And then, it helps you quickly build your audience, as well as build trust and credibility, since people are far more likely to trust those pages that have higher numbers of followers and likes on their posts. So, you will save time and effort, while getting the perfect results, fast-tracking your growth process.

  1. Post Consistently

As you may have understood already, one of the most important things to do here is post on a regular basis. If you post now, and then forget about your page for the next few months, your followers are bound to forget you as well. Furthermore, the algorithm won’t work in your favor. Therefore, what you should do is create a posting strategy and stick to it, aiming at being consistent, both on your feed and on the stories and reels. Additionally, remember to analyze your audience and their engagement, aiming at finding peak hours at which you should be posting in order to boost engagement.

  1. Make High Quality Content

It should go without saying that the trick is not simply in posting regularly, without doing any kind of quality checks. In other words, you have to make high quality content if you want to boost the engagement. People will engage with your posts if they like what they see. So, don’t ever compromise quality. Go here to understand the importance of boosting followers and likes.

  1. Optimize for Engagement

The next thing to remember is that your page should be optimized for engagement. So, use a high quality profile picture and write a compelling bio. But then, also remember to leverage the power of great calls-to-action and add them to your post captions in order to encourage engagement and drive traffic.

  1. Don’t Forget the Hashtags

One last thing to keep in mind is that hashtags are still quite important, and you should use them for growth. By doing so, you will increase your chances of the posts reaching new audiences, as well as appearing in the feeds of more users. This will drive not only engagement, but also new followers, which is pretty much exactly what you are trying to achieve when aiming at building a great Instagram