In the blink of an eye, any dog can become aggressive. A docile, loving dog that never showed any signs of aggressiveness could become violent for no apparent reason. If a dog bites you or your loved one, the damages can be devastating.

It is good when dogs are well trained and well-behaved. But when the dogs are not adequately trained, they can sometimes show their predatory instincts, leading to tragic results.

According to Dog Bite Statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs and need medical attention every year. Sometimes, injuries caused by dog bites can lead to death, especially in children.

Here are few important facts that you should know about dog bites:

  • About 800,000 dog bites need medical attention every year.
  • In fatal dog attacks, 92% of the dogs are male, and 94% of these males are not castrated.
  • 25% of dog bites were from dogs who were chained.
  • 24% of deaths caused by dog bites involved unrestrained dogs.

Dogs have a social hierarchy. When they are not adequately trained, they may try to dominate and attack people entering their homes. The law protects dog bite victims by holding dog owners accountable for the damages that result. The dog owners are usually liable for all injuries that their dogs cause.

An experienced Philadelphia personal injury attorney can assist people injured by dog bites and guide them on how to prepare a proper legal claim. A strong claim can help victims seek fair compensation for all of the injuries that they incurred in the attack.

Here are some of the most important facts you should know about pursuing a dog bite claim:

Kinds of compensation you can seek in a dog bite claim: In most cases, dog bite claims include two types of damages: economic and noneconomic. Based on the facts and the circumstances of your request, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral expenses
  • Decreased earning capacity
  • Travel expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical disability
  • Trauma

Severe dog bites can lead to damages that are both economic and non economic. The most severe dog bite injuries can take years to heal, or they may be permanent.

Things you should do after a dog bite: Immediately after suffering a dog bite, here are some of the things you should do to make sure you get the proper compensation for all the damages:

Identify the dog and the owner: It is essential to identify the dog that has attacked you and its owner. By knowing the particular dog and its owner, it will be helpful for you to find their personal information later on while filing a claim.

The information you require includes the dog owner’s name and address, as well as witness information, if anyone else saw the incident. It is also useful to secure documentation such as dog licenses and other records that may have documented previous attacks. This information helps you make sure that the dog has received its shots for rabies and other vaccinations.

  • Get medical attention: If your injuries are severe, you must seek immediate medical attention.
  • File a police report: If you have received medical treatment for even a minor injury, you should file a dog bite report with the proper local authorities. This document helps to keep your neighborhood safe and may strengthen your case against the dog’s owner.
  • Take photographs of your injuries: It is essential to keep pictures of every wound caused by dog bites. This is one of the critical pieces of evidence for your case.
  • Contact a reputable attorney: Consult an attorney as soon as possible. Dog bite cases can become complicated and challenging to pursue when too much time passes.

A Dog Bite Lawyer from The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. can assist you with the required investigation and help you recover the compensation that you deserve.

Our attorneys have extensive experience in valuing dog bite claims. They use every resource available to them to make sure you get the most possible compensation for your injuries, damages, and losses.