Casinos and the gaming industry often feed off of each other. Innovations in one can spark changes in the other. Both industries have seen significant growth in the past decade, which shows that innovation is helping them to develop. However, high compound annual growth rate predictions set high expectations.

It’s fair to say that each of these industries also has specific challenges that they’re facing. We’re here to see what they’re learning from each other and whether there are more lessons to take onboard. First, let’s look at the crossover between the gaming and gambling industries.

Closer Than Ever Before

There are signs that the gambling and gaming industries are closer than ever before. They share some similarities, including technology and their aim to entertain. However, the crossover goes further than that. We’ll take a look at how they influence each other, but there’s a more direct link to explore.


It’s quite common now for video games to include a gambling element. Usually, it’s through a mini-game, although some titles let you enter a virtual casino within the game. As for video gaming links to casino games, all we need to do is look at the slot titles. There are now slots based on popular games, including Tomb Raider and Call of Duty.


As both industries continue on their path to growth, there’s more than they can learn from each other. Casino games can develop in many ways, including taking on some of the themes and innovations that are making the top video games so popular. Improved graphics and animations are on the cards for both industries, thanks to technological advances.

Speaking of tech, access, and integration are two key areas for both sectors. Companies, like

Hub88 is making strides towards faster rollout with even more games at the user’s fingertips. Subscription services are pushing a similar phenomenon for video gaming. Let’s look at some of the other opportunities being seized.


Neither the gaming industry nor the casino industry has realized the full potential of AI just yet. We’re seeing new uses in other spheres that are pushing the boundaries. That’s something we could expect at casinos and will later follow in gaming. Many online casinos have already integrated AI technology to excellent effect.

They use it to personalize experiences, provide support, and market offers. It’s also used to detect behavior patterns to spot fraud and problem gambling. Gaming has already used AI to generate environments and NPCs, but we can expect more personalization based on previous gameplay in the future.


Random Number Generators (RNGs) and computing go hand in hand. However, these algorithms also have a lot of potential in the casino and gaming industries. Casino games have been using them for a while, but new advances have increased trust in the games. Provably fair options give players the chance to verify the random outcome.

For video games to stay interesting, they depend on random acts that come from RNGs. That ranges from stat increases to determining which Pokemon you come across. These algorithms are also responsible for realistic movement in NPCs and environments. We can expect increased use in games that use RNGs to determine the loot you receive and what’s in a game chest.

Social Gaming

Casino and video games are looking to expand their function from entertainment to an opportunity to socialize. Pioneering casinos have added chat functions to the site as well as more ways to engage on other platforms, like Discord and social media. We can expect traditional sites to follow suit.

Gaming is taking a similar step, although it’s a move that’s also led by the players. Online communities have grown, especially with the rise of streaming and esports. Live events, co-op features, and in-game chat will increase, too, over the next few months and years.


While there are many opportunities, there are hurdles to overcome, too. Each industry has its specific challenges to face. However, there are a few things that the gaming industry could learn from casinos. The scrutiny and expectations of each industry are different. The activities aren’t the same, even though they share some features in common.

Although offline gaming still has the largest share of the market, online video gaming is on the rise. That brings many opportunities, but it’s also key to some of the challenges that the sector is facing. Let’s look at what they are and where casinos can set a good example.

Mobile Adoption

After some serious growth in the mobile market, video gaming saw a small dip over the last few years for this device in particular. Console and PC games are still the innovation leaders, which means gamers look to those platforms for the latest and best.

However, the mobile market share is back on a growth trend. Developers and publishers hope to see the first increase in the 2021 figures this year. Casinos that make the mobile experience just as good, if not better, have excelled in mobile adoption. For video games, nailing storylines and graphics that work well for touchscreen devices is key.


The casino industry is well-versed in regulation. While some sites and operators might still struggle with certain aspects, it’s an accepted part of the sector. Designers and casino owners have gotten used to considering the player and their protection when creating products. The gaming industry is a little further behind.

However, increased ‘gamble-like’ features, online subscriptions, and social interactions are changing the landscape. Game developers and platforms now have a greater responsibility to protect users within the games. In most cases, stricter policies, better moderation, and clearer rules are needed.

Final Thoughts

The gaming and casino sectors still have a lot to learn from each other. That applies just as much to challenges as it does to opportunities for growth. Innovation in entertainment and social interaction is a key area to watch. We can also expect both industries to focus more on harnassing technological advances, including AI and mobile integration. Finally, prioritizing user protection is essential to continued success.