While AI has been in use by many big companies for years at that point the conversation around this technology is becoming more mainstream. People have long been wanting to better understand the technology and the following year might be when this actually happens. And while by themselves AI and Automation are nothing new the way we use them may actually increase this year, with more and more companies adopting these innovations and the public finally getting to understand the way these things work.

AI Adoption Worldwide

Amongst many innovations and tech-trends that we’ve seen this year one thing that has stood out is that these innovations are no longer centralized. We’ve seen many leading tech innovations coming from Africa, with multiple tech giants setting up their cloud system there. So this more democratized trend in technology can be the first thing that should lead us to believe that Ai, fintech, and automation will become accessible to the masses and won’t be limited to silicon valley and the upper classes closely involved with these companies.

The mystery and the scepticism around AI are slowly disappearing and we’ve seen the biggest leap in the judgments regarding this in 2019. So it’s safe to assume that 2020 will only build on this process and grant the everyday citizens the best of the benefits that AI can offer.

The Bottom-up AI that increases developer productivity is now adopted in a lot of companies allowing more time to focus on what to do and how to apply data. These companies are all over the world but before now they were still pretty new to the AI to be considered seasoned professionals. 2020 will see the higher adoption rates, as well as the better application of data since the companies have had time to address the questions and to elevate the way they approach and use AI collected data

AI Adoption Across Various Industries

We know that Google has been using AI for the marketing missions but there are a lot of industries that have been using AI. The most recent example would be that real-life casinos might start using AI in their slot machines to determine problem gamblers. The gambling industry has benefited a lot from this technological development Starting from the success of online casinos to the best online casino affiliate program, this industry has found real good use of the tech. Different entertainment field has also used these technological advances and AI usage has made their jobs a lot simpler. But since it is still pretty new, not every situation is calculated and some companies still struggle to understand the technology fully. Google itself has admitted to this. And while the adoption rates definitely won’t be going down, probably the apprehensive attitude will go to the minimum this year and we will embrace AI across all digital spaces, venues, and services that we use to manage our day to day lives.

AI in Universities and Businesses

Universities and different organizations are now deliberately investing in AI and want to develop new AI Talent. Different funds and packages are being announced to promote AI and encourage young talent to pour their resources and skills into this field. In October 2019, the UK government announced a £370 million package of government and industry investment in 14 different universities and 200 businesses including Google, as well as training for 200 AI PhD students across 16 new centres for doctoral training. In addition to that, they are investing 13 million in Masters programs and 10 million in scholarships for underrepresented communities, to help them access AI education.

So the determination to increase the efficiency of AI usage and to make it more appealing to younger generations is evident in the UK and it’s likely that we will see similar trends in other countries across the globe as well.  Microsoft meanwhile is planning to train 15,000 new AI professionals by 2022. In Africa, Google is already hiring young local talent to deal with work on AI so the trend is definitely here to stay.

Possible Challenges

With every innovation comes a new set of risks and challenges to deal with. While the AI is developing on its own, so are the systems that can sabotage it. While AI is bound to become a bigger part of our lives, the people dealing with AI need to adapt to the increasingly elaborate threats and hacking attempts that could ruin the system’s reputation in an instant. So when the universities and different businesses encourage the adoption of AI it’s equally important to know all the risks that come with it. Unless the company is equipped to deal with them, the success of AI adoption is doomed.

Most governments know that already but the emphasis is still on the positive side of the AI. It makes sense because there were so many preservations already in place regarding this technology that it took some time for people to warm up to the idea itself. While it’s important to focus on the good, it’s equally important that companies using AI are properly equipped to handle attacks.