Building a strong marketing campaign that builds brand awareness and conversions is at the top of every company’s agenda. After all, if you cannot attract customers, all other business successes are futile.

If you want to win customers over, though, you need to understand them and their habits. Otherwise, you will struggle to connect with them and achieve the desired outcomes. Here’s all you need to know about modern consumers.

Consumers don’t want to be hassled

Of course, you need to reach out to prospective customers. However, annoying them will turn them away forever. Understanding bot leads and how to stay compliant with FCC regulations will protect your integrity. And reputation. In truth, poor practices like making cold calls to numbers gained from a marketing list are becoming a thing of the past. Instead, you are more likely to succeed when using target marketing campaigns.

People are busy. As such, receiving nuisance calls and texts will paint a negative image of the business. Not least because scams have been on the rise for several years.

Consumers will search for products and brands

Another reason to avoid excessive cold marketing is that interested consumers will find you. They have a world of information available at their fingertips. The majority now head to search engines when looking for a product or a local business. Meanwhile, 69% head straight to the search bar on a website. In short, the majority already have their minds set on what they want to find. So, your job is to help them navigate their way there.

There will be cross selling and upselling opportunities. And you win some consumers on a whim. Generally speaking, though, creating a clear path and sales funnel is the goal.

Consumers respond well to visual content

Research shows that 95% of the messages conveyed through video are remembered by viewers. This compares to just 10% of text. It’s more engaging and enjoyable for the viewer while it also gives a better insight into the brand image. For this reason, gaining a better insight into the art of visual storytelling is crucial. Even if you want an expert to produce the videos. Knowing what you want to achieve from this is integral to success.

As well as videos, you can look to infographics and images to gain a positive response. Audio content has an important role to play in modern situations too.

Consumers copy others

While most consumers like to think they are individuals, the truth is vastly different. They will read what other customers have said about brands and products. Likewise, they will be influenced by whatever their favorite online stars are promoting. Therefore, a deeper appreciation of social proof can become a key part of every marketer’s learning curve. From here, you will be able to tap into psychological factors.

Better still, it can be a powerful tool for building a loyal community for your brand. In turn, this should promote increased customer lifetime values. So, they’ll spend more in the long run.