Gambling, much like the myriad of games at, has a rich, colourful history that’s as old as civilization itself. It’s been a constant companion of humanity, evolving alongside us from the ancient roll of bone dice to the digital spin of an online roulette wheel.

In the Dawn of Civilisation

The roots of gambling are deeply embedded in the fertile soil of ancient civilisations. Archaeologists have unearthed six-sided dice in Mesopotamia dating back to 3000 BC. Mea

Meanwhile, ancient Egyptians showed their fondness for chance games with depictions of people playing a game similar to today’s backgammon.

The Greek and Roman Love Affair

Gambling was more than a pastime in ancient Greece and Rome — it was a vibrant thread in the social fabric. Ancient Greek mythology even speaks of gods Zeus, Hades and Poseidon casting lots to divide the universe. In Rome, the passion for gambling was so intense that laws were passed to restrain the fervour.

The Eastern Influence

In the far reaches of the East, gambling flourished too. The Chinese created keno, a game akin to the lottery, as early as 200 BC. Interestingly, it’s believed that proceeds from this game helped fund the Great Wall!

Mediaeval Gaming

Fast-forward to mediaeval Europe, where gambling was both a popular form of entertainment and a cause for concern among the ruling class. Laws to curb excessive gambling were as common as the local tavern games. Yet, the human penchant for chance persisted.

The Birth of Casinos

The 17th century saw the birth of the first casino in Venice — ‘Il Ridotto’. This marked a seismic shift from unregulated gambling to organised gaming houses.

Modern Marvel: Online Casinos

In the late 20th century, with the advent of the internet, came the online casinos, revolutionising the way we gamble. Today,  casino websites offer a staggering variety of games, delivering the thrill of gambling right to your screen.

From casting lots in the shadow of the Parthenon to playing online slots beneath the soft glow of your screen, gambling has traced a fascinating journey. It’s an enduring testament to our love for thrill and chance. As we stand on the brink of virtual reality casinos and blockchain games, it’s anyone’s bet where we go next in this enthralling odyssey of chance!