Online gaming has become a widely accepted form of entertainment played by all age groups. The interesting thing is that these games come in different genres that appeal to varied audiences. Players can connect with competitors worldwide, making it even more exciting to finish each round and look forward to the next. Unsurprisingly, the gaming audience will surpass 1.3 billion in two years. However, a sinister theme lurks in the shadows of the virtual corridors – compromised safety and security. These tips guide you on being safe on online gaming platforms.

  • Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is an extra security layer that has taken over online social platforms, including virtual games. Consider two-factor authentication as your second defense line if someone obtains your first password. Without the secondary authentication code, nobody can access your account without your permission. You have an advantage if you set up your online game with a Gmail account and play it often on your smartphone. The authentication code is sent to your registered email or smartphone. In the event of a potential system breach, you will receive a phone notification to confirm if you are trying to access the game on another device. If you’re not the one, it could mean someone else is attempting to break into your system on another device. The two-factor authentication immediately stops the process and allows you to reset your old password. 

  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links or emails

Online games like bridge require your regular email account to set up or commence play as an extra security measure. The email is an additional layer to verify your identity but can become a weak link in the chain if you don’t take the right precautions. Hackers may send phishing emails or malware disguised as coming from a credible online game source. Some may ask you to verify your details by clicking on suspicious links. If you do, you would have granted them unrestricted access to your online account and PC system. Therefore, avoid clicking on any links you see while gaming without due diligence.

  • Strengthen passwords

The purpose of gaming passwords is to identify and safeguard your account from unauthorized access. The secret to a strong password is to use a complex system that hackers cannot break. For example, IT security experts say an alphanumeric password interspersed with symbols always does the trick. Remember to combine lower and upper cases to add another security layer to your online gaming password. It is risky to use your name or birthdate as your password because they are weak and often predictable. Please avoid using the same password for all your online games, as that makes it easy to hack your system.

Moreover, because of the risk of forgetting your combination, a reliable password manager will be ideal to track and monitor your login information. 

  • Safeguard personal information during games

The social nature of these online games makes it possible to interact with other players or competitors in real time. You must be cautious about sharing your full name, phone number, or address with people you meet on these platforms. Sharing sensitive data exposes you to a myriad of security and safety problems. As the world continues to be digitized, people with the wrong intentions can use the slightest slip to track you down in the real world.

Another noteworthy point is being protective of your financial information on discussion forums. For example, other players may express concerns about the difficulty of using a specific online payment platform to buy game upgrades. That can be a ploy to get unsuspecting players to divulge critical financial information, so you must refrain from that. Cybercrime continues to evolve, and experienced criminals can take advantage of any personal information to do more than you can imagine.

  • Be respectful and report abuse

Bullying is everywhere, and online gaming platforms are not exempt. Cyberbullying on these gaming platforms is so rampant that a Statista survey pegged it at 86% as of last year. Gamers reported being harassed and called offensive names during different periods of active play. The same report indicated that this increased from 83% in 2020. How can you avoid falling victim to online abuse? First, there is nothing you can do to stop others from being mean and offensive. However, you can report abuse because many gaming platforms have reporting systems to make it easier for players. You can also avoid being the bully by respecting your competitors and fellow online players. Refrain from being offensive no matter how provoked you are. Remember that a respectful and inclusive gaming environment enhances your online gaming experience.