The faculty of law at the University of Delhi offers a three-year bachelor’s degree in law. It fosters the academic excellence of learners in the legal fraternity. As a result, practitioners bring justice and protect human rights to maintain social stability. Getting into law school can be competitive. For instance, you are supposed to cover a tremendous amount of material in a short amount of time. It involves reading hundreds of pages each week to write DU law advance assignments.

The field of law is ever-changing, and students are expected to master a wide range of legal concepts. Also, the competition is hard and fierce, and they vie for their grades and job opportunities. Hence, writing an assignment to practice law concepts can knock out the subject-related complexities. This article is meant to provide essential tips for new students to write their DU advance assignment law. But first, let’s define the key term of the article “DU Law advance assignment”.

What Is DU Law Advance Assignment?

The law department of the University of Delhi is known for producing a large number of judges in the Indian Supreme Court. To get ahead of the law subject comprehension, students write a DU law advance assignment that offers them unique insights into the subject. Also, it enables them to learn time management, research, and analytical skills and be wiser in solving problems.

Now let’s read the best tips and tricks for composing a winning law assignment:

How to Write DU Law Advance Assignments? Top 8 Tips for Freshers

Legal disciplines are essential for the betterment of society. Most students pursue legal studies to become professionals. They study subjects like Criminal Law, Contracts, Torts or Constitutional Law, etc. Such learners are typically required to complete their assignments as a part of the coursework.

Beginners who have just been admitted to the university and are working on their first law project can ask professionals to “do my assignment” so that they can earn better grades. It is meant to avoid the obvious errors that students can make due to inexperience.

Coming back to the topic under discussion, here are the expert’s DU law advance assignments writing tips for freshers.

  • Understand the instructions given by your professor.
  • Draw a detailed outline to define various sections of your paper.
  • Read the case clearly before writing anything on it in your assignment.
  • Conduct research to learn about others’ opinions.
  • Use legal terms in your assignment to maintain a formal academic tone.
  • Critically analyse various source materials.
  • Ask your teacher to provide feedback on your work before final submission.
  • Craft a compelling thesis statement before proceeding with a detailed discussion.

Reading concise information in bullets is not enough for beginners. Hence, to master the art of assignment writing, let’s learn in detail:

1. Carefully Understand the Assignment Instructions

The advanced assignments DU law instructions, also known as assignment prompts, are a set of rules to follow for writing. For instance, as an instructor, you may require students to complete their assignment that accompanies short questions, or it must be a fully researched paper.

So, you develop a prompt that defines your expectations from students. Therefore, it’s essential to take this part of the DU law advanced assignments paper seriously.

The Harvard College Writing Center provides some tips about how to answer the prompt questions.

  • Look for action verbs to learn whether they are about analysis, discussion, comparison, or explanation.
  • Understand the goal of the assignment. For example, are you supposed to agree or disagree with a theorist, or is it about learning new skills?
  • Understand the scope of the DU law advance assignments. It might be a general or a specific discussion about a topic.

2. Make an Outline

An outline is made for the logical flow of your ideas in DU Law School advance assignments. It can help you arrange your thoughts to avoid any confusion in the text. The main sections and headings should be planned so that they cover all the sub-points and supporting evidence. Find below a detailed discussion about the structure of your assignments.


The introduction of these assignments served as a roadmap for the reader. Here, you clearly state your argument and position. Hence, take time to craft a good introduction and remember that your introduction,

  • It is the first impression for the reader that needs to be impressive.
  • It must retain the attention of the reader.
  • You must know what you are talking about.
  • Must show the relevance of your topic.

Main Arguments/Points:

The main argument of the DU law advance assignments topic is your stance or point that you try to communicate to the reader. This argument is your contribution to the topic. Also, it may introduce the reader to a new perspective other than what has been found in the traditional texts.

Supporting Evidence/Analysis:

Every claim you make in your DU law advance assignments must be supported by scholarly conversations. Your opinion should be based on authentic factual details. You can draw out the supporting details from several sources, such as academic journals, books, research papers, authentic websites, etc.

Counter Arguments:

The counter-argument is the acknowledgement when you go against a particular stance. Here, you reaffirm your argument to define how other’s perspectives are more authentic than yours. You may also present the opposing arguments and then define how your position is stronger.


This part is the summary of the main arguments that you have discussed throughout your paper. It provides a sense of closure to the reader by highlighting the significance of your findings. The structure of DU Law advanced assignments can be estimated well via the infographics below.

3. Understand the Case Clearly

To craft ideal DU law advance assignments, you need to understand the case first. It is one of the most crucial aspects that is overlooked many times. If you don’t understand the objectives of your work, you can’t generate solid arguments. In this regard, you can read the guidelines given by your professor or read about your topic from various sources.

Besides this, you can consider the below tips to understand a case under investigation.

  • Case fragmentation into small plots.
  • Be focused, and read carefully.
  • Know the important points of the case.
  • Highlight the underlying facts that do not suit your situation.
  • Make a flowchart of all the facts to digest the complex case effectively.
  • Ask yourself what you need to get out of this case.

4. Conduct Research for the Case

After having a clear vision about your case, it’s time to conduct research. This necessary step of the process will take you to your destination. Therefore, various sources should be consulted to gather the relevant data for DU law advance assignments. Sticking to a single source for your assignment may increase the chances of plagiarism.

Hence, try to explore different sources to collect data that enhance the credibility of your document.

You can also use the following research tips given by Legal Upanishad Journal.

  • Know the noticeable facts about the case.
  • Know what is the remedy of the case?
  • Read under which jurisdiction it will fall.
  • Use available primary and secondary sources.

5. Use Formal Legal Terms

Academic documents should have a formal academic tone. Writing a DU advance assignment law is no exception. Without using legal terms, you can’t come up with authentic write-ups. Remember to incorporate some legal and formal terms so that your document looks like a professional wrote it. However, if you want to get it done by an expert, as you think you are not aware of the legal terms of law, then hire a subject specialist assignment writer who can handle it smoothly.

Here is a glossary of legal terms given by the Office of United States Attorneys that can help write DU law advance assignments.

  • Acquittal: A verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime.
  • Affidavit: A written statement to be used by the court as evidence.
  • Affirmed: It is an act of offering someone emotional support.
  • Alford plea: A plea in which the defendant maintains his innocence.
  • Appeal: A request made after a court trial to decide whether the trial was fair or not.

6. Engage in Critical Analysis

Critical analysis is thinking about an issue to develop a deep understanding of the topic of DU law advance assignments. It is a detailed examination of scholarly articles to express your interpretations. For instance, if you want to successfully interpret the research findings given in a research paper, take note of the below factors.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the content.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the paper to know about its authenticity.
  • Have a deeper look into the contribution of the paper to the research community.
  • Formulate an insightful analysis.
  • Consider other perspectives for a well-rounded evaluation.
  • Offer constructive recommendations to make improvements.

These key highlights of this process have been precisely bound up in a flowchart given below.


7. Seek Feedback and Revision

DU law advance assignments writing is a collaborative effort that must accompany feedback from your tutor. It will provide you with new insights into your work for betterment. Hence, be open to receiving constructive criticism from your teacher to make changes in response. Spend time to think about the positive and negative aspects of your write-up. However, if you are busy with some other tasks, you can buy assignments online to seek the utmost perfection. This is how you can have the finest quality in your papers.

So, how can you ask for feedback from your professor? Here are the tips that will work for sure.

  • Review your assignment on your own at first.
  • Communicate with the teacher after class.
  • Send an email.
  • Be specific in asking questions.
  • Ask relevant and right questions.
  • Meet with the teacher during office hours.
  • Ask for feedback before final submission.

8. Constructing Your Thesis Statement

When you start writing your DU law advance assignments, you must keep the reader in your mind. Remember, the reader is not supposed to struggle along a lengthy document just to learn about your main stance.

So, before you proceed with the detailed discussion, define your position first. It involves writing a clear thesis statement. The primary objective of this statement is to give the writer’s view on the topic under discussion. The Virginia Wesleyan University provides some key markers that a good thesis statement must accompany.

  • It must present the conclusion about the subject.
  • It must justify the point of discussion.
  • It should be specific to help you keep your topic manageable.
  • It must answer how and why questions about your topic.

DU Law Advance Assignments Topics

There are a range of law subjects, and choosing the most appropriate topic can be challenging. Depending on your subject specialty you can choose from Society, Forensic or Criminal Law. Whether you are resolving a dispute or learning about a contract, choosing a good assignment topic is critical.

As a way to help you brainstorm some ideas, we have given a comprehensive list of topics below.

  • What are the socio-cultural factors that play a role when signing a legal contract?
  • What is antitrust legalisation? What are its positive and negative impacts?
  • Discuss various healthcare aspects of a corporate culture to maintain discipline.
  • Define contract drafting analysis. Which factors should you consider before signing a contract?
  • How to avoid legal disputes when dealing with religious people?
  • Briefly discuss the resolution of garden property damage in the UK.
  • How has hoodie culture been applied to black people?
  • What are the most effective ways to prevent romantic crime and romanticism in youth?
  • Provide a brief analysis of crime risk groups in youth.
  • What is the legal stance on who should control the family budget?

DU Law Advance Assignments Research Questions

Setting advance assignments for the DU law research question is one of the major challenges in writing your paper. It must be interesting for the reader and writer. Also, it should be novel, well defined and manageable.

Following are a few research questions that can be chosen to have a good focus in assignment write-ups.

  • What is the role of technology in the prevention of crimes in society?
  • What are the effective means to prevent police brutality?
  • Are eyewitness testimonials considered reliable in the legal framework?
  • What is racial discrimination when enforcing the law in a particular situation?
  • What are the top motives for criminals to kidnap?

Does DU Have a Law Program?

According to the University of Delhi, the campus law centre offers a law program. This three-year degree was initially treated as a part-time course of two years. The course ten teachers conducted teaching during the daytime. Later on, after the Advocates Act 1961, the proficiency certificate course was finished.

How Can I Do Law After Graduation from DU?

As per PW Live, Delhi University graduates can apply for the LLB entrance exam in 2024 if they have finished their master’s or bachelor’s degree with 50% marks. This criterion is specific to applying for general categories such as OBC/EWS. However, for the PH/SC/ST category, you can apply even to 45%. Also, there is no age limit for the entrance exam.


DU Law advance assignments are helpful for students who are starting their journey in the legal framework. Although students write it as a part of their coursework, it may also assist in enhancing their comprehension of the subject matter. In light of the above-detailed discussion, students will find it easier to get ahead of this academic project. These are the expert’s tips to foster the quality of your paper. Start by understanding the assignment instructions given by your teacher. It involves decoding the prompt to address what has been asked.

Among all other considerations, the way you structure your paper is of significance. In this regard, we have given a detailed stance on how you can structure your law assignments. Moreover, the aspect of research can’t be overlooked. The better you read the case under investigation from different sorts, the better you can make informed decisions. Last but not least, don’t forget to ask for feedback from your teacher to enhance the credibility of your paper.