Virtual Reality is About to Change How You Fly
Tech Report
By: Nick Gambino
With the release of the Oculus Rift we can expect Virtual Reality headsets to permeate our every day living in the not-too-distant future. I’m predicting in 5 years,...
Top 5 Most Unnecessary Technologies You Might Have Bought | NewsWatch Review
With technology at our fingertips almost 24/7, we find it hard not to get caught up with new gadgets that promise us an easier life. But more often than not, a gadget...
Cigar Sense – Personal Cigar Recommendations | NewsWatch Review
Tech Review
Fine cigars are a great luxury and a wonderful pastime that many people enjoy. Unfortunately, given the thousands of products on the market it can be an extremely challenging, and lengthy journey...
Six Flags and Samsung Teaming Up On VR Coasters | NewsWatch Review
Tech Review
By: Michelle Ison
If you feel that advanced modern technology has efficiently infiltrated and enhanced aspects of your life, then prepare for this latest announcement to blow your mind. Beloved theme park...
Google is Developing a Keyboard for Your iPhone
Tech Review
By: Nick Gambino
If The Verge is to be believed Google is working on a third-party keyboard for iOS.
You might be thinking, “But I’m happy with my built-in iPhone keyboard. Why...
beBox – A Speaker You Can Take Everywhere | NewsWatch Review
Tech Review
Have you ever been at a barbecue or on the beach listening to music with a portable speaker, but were disappointed because it has the most painfully low quality sound you have ever...
Smart Utility Systems – Reducing Waste | NewsWatch Review
Tech Review
Utility companies like water, electricity, and gas – as well as their consumers – care most about efficiency. We know that nobody wants to be wasteful, but unfortunately, waste is...
Digipen – The Smartest Pen You’ll Own | NewsWatch Review
CES 2016 Tech Review
Over the years we have had numerous styluses and pens show up in the market that can take what we write on paper and then transfer them digitally to a device such...
Sony 4K Projector – The Perfect Home Theater | NewsWatch Review
Tech Review
Have you been dreaming about building the perfect home theater for years? Are you finally ready to make it happen? Most likely you are just missing the perfect element. Well check out...
Light Logic PLUS – Smart Landscape Lighting | NewsWatch Review
Tech Review
With the advent of smart tech and the ability to control things from your mobile phone it seems that everyone has a smart home now. Why not smarten up your landscape?...