Three Things You Didn’t Realize Alexa Could Help You With
By: Ramon Martinez
Do you remember the days when Amazon was nothing more than an online bookshop? Today it seems like a strange figment of the distant past, part of that hazy...
Immortal Game Boy Advance Games You Will Always Want to Play
Are you the one who thinks that the era of retro console games is long gone? We can bet you are not, if you are reading this article. Of course, presently,...
5 rich Ghanaians generous with their wealth
Ghanaians all over the country continue to face increasingly tough economic conditions in the country. Businessmen are straining to keep their businesses afloat and earn a comfortable living. Despite this widespread...
Find Peace of Mind with Home8 Smart Care
When a loved one is in need of continual assistance and care, it can be worrisome to leave them unattended. Ensuring they take their medication on schedule and rendering immediate assistance...
MonteCrypto: The Bitcoin Enigma Joins the Crypto Gaming Trend
Cryptocurrencies and the technology which enables them – the blockchain – are going through something of a moment right now. From obscure alternative digital currency to, potentially, the future of a...
Art Basel Pushing Miami Hotel Rates Sky High
As one might expect, an overnight stay in Miami, Florida during Art Basel 2017 is going to be pricey. Hoteliers around the Miami Beach Convention Center, this year’s venue for North...
New Trend: Vertical Videos Design for Mobile
Since mobile devices are held vertically most of the time, most mobile users prefer not to have to turn their phone on the side to view an ad or video if...
McDonald’s Now Accepts Job Applications Through Snapchat
By: Nick Gambino
Snapchat has been pushing to be much more than a disappearing photo/video app for teens in the last couple of years. Hillary Clinton even used the app to announce...
The Iconic Sega Genesis Console is Back
By: Nick Gambino
When I was coming up back in the day there were two types of kids: those that played Nintendo and those that played Sega. Now there was some overlap...
Snapchat Releases Trippy New World Lenses Update
By: Nick Gambino
Snapchat is nothing if not fun and irreverent. With their introduction of lens filters, users are going nuts with squeaky-voiced videos and bug eyes that look like something out...