elementary3 – All-Natural Hair Products to Promote a Healthy Scalp | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update

Trichotillomania is a body-focused repetitive behavior which involves pulling out one’s hair – most commonly from the scalp.

While more frequently found in women, it’s estimated that one to two percent of adults and adolescents suffer from the disorder.  If you or someone you know suffers from Trichotillomania, consider using hair products from elementary3.

Developed by a grandmother who wanted to create nourishing products for her granddaughter who suffered from the disorder, and who ended up with a buzz cut, elementary3 offers a full line of products that are natural and design to clean, soothe, and protect for every day fresh cuts. Using their hair detector selector, you can figure out which of their three sets of products to choose from – from Bold Cut to Big Cut to Buzz Cut.

The product line is centered around the concept that your scalp is your skin too, and clean skin promotes a healthy foundation for a vibrant scalp and beautiful hair.

All their products are top quality and designed with freshly groomed cuts in mind. Head over to elementary3.com today with 25% Off GIFT Coupon Code: AMC BLACK Friday Special#235 for any Hair Detector Selector Combination your scalp and hair will thank you.