The crypto market crash has shaken not only the crypto market but also the trust of many. With the market reviving, the trust of many crypto enthusiasts is still shaking. Some users want to bet on new horses, while others still want to play safe. This write-up is for you if you believe in either team. Let us make the decision easy for you by walking you through the defining attributes of two old, i.e., Internet Computer and Decentraland (MANA), and a new crypto token, i.e., Rocketize token (JATO).

Decentraland (MANA) – The Metaverse Real Estate!

Decentraland (MANA) is a VR (Virtual Reality) platform on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike other VR platforms, it is a decentralized game where gamers create and own digital assets, content, and Apps and monetize them. It is a community-oriented crypto that allows its users full control. MANA, with its DAO, allows users to participate in any decision for managing and enhancing the ecosystem and the in-game policy. The Decentraland platform uses two tokens: MANA and LAND. The MANA must be burned to acquire non-fungible LAND tokens. MANA tokens can also pay for a range of avatars, names, and more on the Decentraland marketplace.

Internet Computer (ICP) – Efficient and Quick Blockchain!

The Internet Computer (ICP) is a blockchain platform that intends to deliver enhanced efficiency, speed, and decentralization to data storage and computation. It integrates a new face of blockchain design empowered by advancements in cryptography. ICP has introduced the first “World Computer” blockchain that helps build enormous online systems and services, like demanding web social media, without cloud computing services. As such, it can enable full end-to-end decentralization. Another feature that differentiates the Internet Computer from other blockchain networks is allowing everyone to create a decentralized application (dApp) to a simplified user interface on its blockchain platform.

Rocketize Token (JATO) – The Futuristic Meme Token!

Rocketize (JATO) is a meme token that will soon be launched in the crypto world. The platform claims to be a new era of meme tokens. With its aim to launch amazing community support services and support decentralization JATO has already built a lot of buzz around its name. JATO is an open-source, permissionless community-oriented token built on the Binance Smart Chain platform. This community-oriented platform provides its users with many rewards, incentives, and other revenue-generating opportunities. Besides this, the JATO holders will have their share in the tax money generated by the network. JATO intends to take the crypto world one step further toward web 3.0. It aims to enable a new internet era by making it easy to digitalize the community. Furthermore, JATO aims to provide DeFi and NFT functionalities to its users, enabling them to generate returns. With all these amazing features, JATO can be stated to be more than just a trending cryptocurrency.

Buying Guide for JATO

JATO is currently in stage two of its presale. For every USDT, you can get $118399.24 JATO. To grab your JATO, you need to go to their presale page and link your crypto wallet to the page. You can only get JATO in exchange for USDT, BNB, or ETH coins. You can have your purchased JATO once the presale ends. To sum up, the ready-to-launch meme token JATO, with all the utilities that it promises to offer, will be a tough choice for a crypto enthusiast to give up on. The coin has raised $71K so far, witnessing its popularity in the crypto world. Furthermore, it offers bonuses for its first-on-the-scene customers. If you buy it in the third presale stage, you will get 4% extra tokens upon purchase. Referring and making a friend spend $100 on his purchases will get you both $40 worth of free tokens. Likewise, buying it with ETH will earn 8% extra JATO.

For more information on Rocketize Token (JATO), you can visit the following links:


