Machine learning is a new concept by no means, but it is still very much emerging in the mainstream. When we think of machine learning, we may think of computer programming, certain videogames, or even smart chess-playing automatons! However, artificial intelligence (AI) goes much deeper than that.
More and more innovative brands and companies are emerging as leaders in AI. Rodrigo Liang, CEO and co-founder at Sambanova, is just one such name in a business that is increasingly intriguing to companies of all shapes and sizes. Liang and his team have helped bring scalable AI and machine learning to companies who may have no previous experience with this kind of technology.
But what does the future hold for businesses using AI? How is machine learning already making a big difference to growing firms all over the world?
Improved customer relations
Machine learning can work with data to analyze customer and client patterns. Therefore, if taught to recognize buying or outreach behavior, AI can help business owners make firmer decisions that benefit their customers in the long run.
By recognizing customer behaviors, AI can help firms fine-tune their products. That means greater satisfaction for the end-user, and it also means a firmer reputation and potentially higher revenue for the business. Everybody wins in this scenario.
Technology is marching forward – as must business adaptability!
Automation in quality control
There are already some factories and assembly lines using AI and machine learning to ‘care for itself.’ That is, machines and data analytics are in place worldwide to ascertain how well specific processes are running. Machine learning and AI have the potential to feedback crucial, insightful information to business users at the end of a working day, and for this data to show areas that may need improvement.
What’s more, quality control through machine learning may also enable business owners to help improve their efficiency and quality output. Machines that learn what to look for in project completion times, targets, and more can inform users if there are any changes needed in the chain.
That helps operators look for clear answers and actions and removes the need for human support. Any operators who would previously spend hours analyzing data and quality control may now better spend their working day elsewhere, where they may be of more efficient support.
Security improvement
Machines can learn to recognize all manner of security flaws. Training AI to identify potential safety issues, or if used in line with data and malware protection, will ensure that businesses have strong defenses against would-be attackers.
What’s more, machine learning can also help recognize users and authorized personnel. As well as being useful in recognizing images while data mining, machines may be able to learn faces, voices and more. This means that authorized users will be able to access platforms more efficiently than ever before.
It also means that business operators can rest easy knowing that their infrastructures are secure against would-be intrusion. Security in the modern age, from data to machine use, is crucial.
Enhanced diagnostics
Not only can AI and machine learning help to diagnose technical or efficiency problems, but it can also be useful in helping to diagnose client or user problems, even on a medical basis.
Tools based on machine learning may help analyze patient problems in healthcare outfits, for example. While the need for human medical diagnoses will likely remain essential for many years to come, the rise of both telecare and AI in recent years indicates that self-diagnosis is just around the corner.
Self-diagnosis and medical assessments on this basis are already growing popular. Therefore, it stands to reason that we may see a further surge in this strand of technology in the decades to come. It will speed up diagnosis and help medical services and doctors free up time and resources when they are overstretched.
In light of the pandemic conditions starting in 2020, it is clear that more intuitive healthcare is in hot demand. This could rely upon AI and machine learning in the years to come.
The future of business operation
AI and machine learning are no longer fads or crazes. These concepts are already widely in play not only in our workplaces but in our homes, too. The rise of smart devices such as Amazon’s Echo technology roots in machine learning, for example.
Therefore, as demand increases, so will the need for more efficient technology and resources. Could the answer lie in AI and machine learning? We will have to see in the years to come. Investing in AI now, however, may be a wise move for a business looking to grow exponentially in the New 20s.