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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.

eFXplus – Forex Trading Made Simple | NewsWatch Review

App Review Have you ever been interested in market Forex Trading? Or maybe you know it as trading of currencies in the foreign exchange? We know it is hard to get into...

Auto Accident App – Everything You Need in Case of an Accident | NewsWatch...

App Review Accidents happen. And whether or not you have ever been in a car accident, everyone can agree that it is something they would rather avoid. Being prepared for an accident is...

ImagiRation – Puzzles for Children with Autism | NewsWatch Review

App Review It is often said that children who have autism do not see the forest for the trees. They simply pay too much attention to the little details and unfortunately miss...

Who Lurks – A Fun, Deception Style Game | NewsWatch Review

App Review Mobile apps are a great way to pass the time when you are by yourself. But who says mobile gaming can’t also be a social experience? Ready for a heart-racing and unique gaming...

Play My Way – Entertain and Educate | NewsWatch Review

App Review It is an extremely difficult task to keep kids entertained while also helping them learn. Parents are in constant search for educational apps that are both beneficial and entertaining for their...

Social Network Analyzer – Who is Watching you? | NewsWatch Review

App Review You spend a lot of time on social media, don’t you? Don't worry, most of us do. And if you are like us, you have probably been at least a little bit...

Outback App – Simplify Your Dining Experience | NewsWatch Review

App Review When you think of a steakhouse there are a few go-to spots that come to mind. But let’s be honest - the leader of the pack is Outback Steakhouse. It is hard...

ATLAS – Easily Understand the Law | NewsWatch Review

App Watch As citizens our strength comes not only from knowing the difference between right and wrong, but in knowing and understanding the laws of the land. Of course, this is easier said...

Top 4 New Changes to Snapchat | NewsWatch Review

App Review By: Michelle Ison Snapchat is an app that is not afraid of a little competition from its social media counterparts. The popular mobile app continues to up the ante through its innovative...

besure – Insurance with People who Care | NewsWatch Review

App Review  We all know the importance of having insurance. We also know the headaches insurance companies can create. Insurance companies have total control over our protection from type of coverage to, if and...
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