Soon You’ll be Riding Trains with Augmented Reality Windows

Tech Review By Kassidy Coleman Thanks to Pokémon Go, augmented reality is the next big thing in technology. So big that in 2020, DigiCapital estimates it’ll be worth over $120 billion, opposed to...

The Roomi App Can Help You Find Your Next Roommate

App Watch By: Kassidy Coleman If you’ve ever lived with a roommate, then you know how hard it is to find someone you’re truly compatible with. Maybe you found them on Craigslist or...

First Commercial Moon Landing Approved for 2017

Tech News By: Nick Gambino The U.S. has, for the first time ever, approved a private company to land on the Moon in 2017. This historic approval should open the doors to so...

Instagram Follows Snapchat’s Lead with Self-Destruct Stories

App Watch By: Nick Gambino Instagram has just released a new feature that allows you to post a self-destructing story. And no, I don’t mean a story about how you keep letting Carlos...

Donuts Delivery Via Drones | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review By Kassidy Coleman Even though it has looked like Amazon won’t be delivering by drone in the near future, there may still be some hope. Recently, we just had our first...

Amazon’s New Kickstarter Collection | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review By: Kassidy Coleman In recent years, it’s become pretty apparent that Amazon is very supportive of fostering innovations. They’ve been working to make delivery by drone a reality and last year...

3D Movies Without The Glasses | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review By: Kassidy Coleman Okay, so pretty much you either hate 3D movies or you love them. And if you hate them most likely it is because of the glasses that you...

Headphones that Play Music Through your Bones, Not Your Ears

Tech Review By: Nick Gambino There are a number of innovative headphones out there from wireless Bluetooth to noise-cancelling but they are all still just earphones. What if we could hear music, not through...

Countdown to the Next 10 Superhero Movies You Are Dying to See

Entertainment We here at NewsWatch are HUGE fans of superhero movies and since we know you are too we thought that we should share a little countdown with you. Suicide Squad This movie already...

Is Bitcoin Real Money? What a Miami Judge Had to Say

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino When a Miami court judge declared Bitcoin is not real money it sent reverberations through the cryptocurrency world. Up until now we’ve been freely buying and selling with...