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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

future technologies

How New Technologies Are Changing the Online Gaming World

By: Bryan Tropeano Gambling is one of the very few entertainment sources which isn't completely eroded by time. It also serves as a great source of a hobby for some set of...
useful tech

Useful Tech You Can Buy for Under $5

By: Bryan Tropeano Looking for a new tech add-on plaything on a minimal budget or an inexpensive gift idea? We hope that you already found some good deals for Cyber Monday, but...
solar panels

What You Need to Know About Safe Solar Panel Installation

By: Megan Ray Nichols Are you thinking about installing solar panels on your home? If so, you’re probably aware of the many benefits they provide, but you might be less informed about...

Postal Deliverers Have Holiday Package Delivery Down to a Science

By: Megan Ray Nichols As each year’s expected holiday shipping rate increases, postal companies such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS go to great lengths to up their delivery game. Procedural enhancement, a...

Amazon to Start Selling Apple TV and Google Chromecast Again

By: Nick Gambino Back in September, Amazon faked us out at with news that they would start selling the Apple TV again after a 2-year “hiatus.” It wasn’t so much news as it...

Keeping up With Recent Instagram Updates

By: Nick Gambino Instagram seems to release major updates to their platform on a monthly basis. Probably in accord with the Michael Jackson way of thinking, “To remain relevant you must be...
travel abroad

Airlines Crack Down on Smart Luggage

By: Nick Gambino We’re in the thick of the holiday season and for better or worse many of us will find ourselves traveling out of town at some point. If you have smart...

Send Friends Money with Apple Pay Cash

By: Nick Gambino It took them long enough but Apple is finally rolling out a peer-to-peer payment system called Apple Pay Cash. With apps like Venmo, Cash and even PayPal allowing friends and...

Celebrating ‘Halloween’ Around the World

Halloween has been practised since ages. Though the way Halloween celebration has changed over time, most of the western countries still follow the tradition of celebrating Halloween. Children would dress up...

10 Presentation Tips for Students

Most people remember their student years – sleepless nights, piles of notes, bunch of tasks and presentations. Students acquire the most important skills at university. They learn how to conduct researches...