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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

Celebrating ‘Halloween’ Around the World

Halloween has been practised since ages. Though the way Halloween celebration has changed over time, most of the western countries still follow the tradition of celebrating Halloween. Children would dress up...

10 Presentation Tips for Students

Most people remember their student years – sleepless nights, piles of notes, bunch of tasks and presentations. Students acquire the most important skills at university. They learn how to conduct researches...

Alexa Now Controls Hulu with Just Your Voice

By: Nick Gambino Alexa is popular because of her integration with so many different products and programs, granting you control through the mere use of your voice. She’s always attentive and doesn’t...

Secret iPhone X Shortcuts and Tricks

By: Nick Gambino By now anyone who jumped on the first inventory of iPhone X’s is sitting comfortably with the new Apple flagship smartphone. But no matter how long you sit with...

Live and Online

With the increasing popularity of online casinos seemingly here to stay, live online games has really taken off, and it's not really that surprising as live casino games bring that extra...

Mobile Gaming – Should We Expect a Change in Trend in 2018?

Once considered an exotic alternative to mainstream gaming services and platforms, mobile gaming is slowly – but surely – becoming a benchmark in a growing industry. The Unstoppable Growth The robust growth of...

Awesome Gaming Devices for PC Gamers

By: Bryan Tropeano Gaming is a great business. It's a source of fun but at the same time, it's paying well both on the customer’s side and the business owner. The industry...

How to Get a Free Seat Upgrade

The interesting thing about travel is that the “getting there” part of the journey can often be as important to get right as the actual vacation itself. The onboard standards for...

Where to Shop Cyber Monday 2017

By: Nick Gambino If it weren’t for Cyber Monday sharing some of the burden, Black Friday would still be an insane melee of shoppers duking it out over who gets the last...

Amazon Black Friday Deals You Should Pay Attention To

By: Bryan Tropeano So we find ourselves once again on the precipice of Thanksgiving or as I like to call it “Pre-game dinner and drinks before the madness of Black Friday.” This year...