BoostSpeed – Increase Your Computer Speed | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Looking at Windows from 10 years ago and comparing it to today’s version, it’s hardly recognizable.  While Windows has become more advanced, it’s also become more complex.  BoostSpeed is software...

Cellhire – Affordable Cell Phones | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Traveling abroad can be a thrilling experience, but one major problem many people face is trying to avoid racking up a huge cell phone bill while still needing to use...

Trustifi – Secure Emails Anywhere | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review Internet security is a serious concern these days, especially with victims of cyber-crimes exceeding 556 million every year. The problem is most people, including corporations, do not know how to...

“Hoverboards” Now Legal in California

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino Self-balancing scooters or what some are dubbing “hoverboards” have been made legal in the state of California. Before I get into their legalization let me first clear up a...

Apple Updates All iMacs with Retina Displays

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino Apple has just completed and announced their upgrade of all of their iMacs to include a Retina Display. Specifically, their 21.5-inch iMac sports a Retina 4K display while...
Microsoft Lumia 950

Microsoft Unveils Lumia 950 and 950 XL

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino At an event on Tuesday Microsoft announced two new Windows phones, the Lumia 950 and the Lumia 950 XL, to compete in the ever aggressive mobile market. If you’re...
xbox elite controller

Xbox Elite Controllers – Gamers Will Soon Be Able To Re-Map

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino For all of you gamers out there you’ll be happy to know that in the very near future you’ll be able to re-configure the Xbox One controller to...

NatureVision – Beautifully Serene Television | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review TV programs can be overwhelmingly saturated ranging from reality TV to depressing news shows to ones that glorify sex and violence. If you are getting tired of these predictable shows and...

3 Electronics that Will Soon Be Extinct

Tech Report Technology is growing at such a rapid pace that the growth rate of tech companies is higher than any other industry. Advancements in technology mean that consumers will get a...

Tesla Model X Has Arrived and It’s Amazing

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino Last night Tesla announced their Model X – their first entry into the SUV market. The Model X is an improvement over the earlier Tesla Model S sedan. Mainly...