Soon Siri Will Be Able To Transcribe Your Voicemail
By: Nick Gambino
Is there anything Siri can’t do? The answer is “Yes, plenty.” But soon she’ll at least be able to do more. Apple is currently testing a feature where Siri...
Best Buy will be the first retailer to stock the Apple Watch outside of...
By: Bryan Tropeano
As much of the world knows, Apple launched its first wearable device at start of this year and it created quite a buzz. Apple Watch is not only a...
New GoPro Session Camera Proves To Be The Best Yet
by: Nick Gambino
GoPro is basically synonymous with high-octane, extreme sports videography. Whether it’s capturing a surfer’s sick stunt or capturing me crying like a 4 year old girl after jumping out... Threatens To De-throne Amazon
By: Nick Gambino
Hey, Amazon – DUCK!, touted as the “Costco of the internet,” is coming out swinging. The new mega-website launched this week and quickly brought in $1 million in...
Facebook, In True 007 Fashion, Introduces Their Own “Moneypenny”
by: Nick Gambino
Apple really started something with this whole Siri thing, my God. It seems everyone and their mother is quick to jump on the personal virtual/digital assistant bandwagon. Microsoft has...
Acquisition Of DirecTV by AT&T
AT&T closed its $49 billion acquisition to buy DirecTV on July 24th. This merger was in the pipeline for over a year which results in making AT&T the biggest pay TV...
Bionic Legs Controlled By the Brain a Reality
By: Bryan Tropeano
Having a bionic leg controlled by the brain may seem like a futuristic fantasy. In reality, it is something that is already being used in real life scenarios and...
Pool Buoy – Floating Pool Umbrella | NewsWatch Review
Tech Report
If you enjoy the sun and are one to hit the pool in the summer, don’t forget to stay safe. Protect yourself from the sun from time to time while...
Egen Battery Bank – Shrink the Energy Bill
Alternative energy technology company, EGen, has come out with the newest solution that allows you to cut electricity bills while reducing your carbon footprint. Its called EGen Battery Bank and runs...
Beer Frost – Keep Beer Cold Longer
Tech Report
It’s summer and for many people that means it’s time to head to the beach or some form of outdoor activity. Packing coolers with ice and drinks like beer or...