Big things have been expected of virtual reality and everything that the technology brings with it, for a number of years and even before its arrival. It was something that many people thought would revolutionize a lot of industries, one, in particular, being the gaming industry. Both the VR hardware and software was expected to be capable of propelling gaming forward, but so far it has failed to live up to expectations and hasn’t really taken off.

One stumbling block has always been in regard to the price of the hardware. You’re looking at an initial outlay of £300 minimum at least and that’s just for the headset. People have to remember that a VR headset is really only an accessory. Alongside that, you need a games console or a top end PC for the whole package to work together. We’re now seeing price drops across the board from top developers such as Oculus and HTC but for many, it’s a lot of money to shell out on something that isn’t yet a mainstream product.

The fact that virtual reality technology is still in its early days is another reason why it’s yet to really take off. There was always going to be teething problems with the hardware at the beginning, with unexpected problems and issues that developers thought would be minor turning out to be bigger than expected. A prime example of this is the fact that many users experienced motion sickness while playing, which has put a lot of people off already.

The teething problems and stumbling blocks experienced so far don’t mean that virtual reality can’t go on and have the kind of impact that has been expected of it, long before its arrival on the high street. With the hardware makers now dropping the prices to buy the headsets, this will certainly encourage more people to buy. Not only this but top game developers are also now beginning to take a keen interest in the technology. Capcom, the makers of the hugely successful Resident Evil games series, have already developed a Resident Evil 7 version for VR headsets. So it’s a sign that things may just be about to take off.

Other industries are likely to see the merits of incorporating virtual reality technology into what they offer too. Retail companies could use virtual reality to enhance the experience of those who choose to shop online. The online casino and gaming sector is a hugely popular service too, that offers players the chance to play their favorite casino games, wherever they are. The use of virtual reality could enhance the experience further by creating a VR casino through a headset; with some big name sites already considering providing the option to its members. The capabilities really are endless. As soon as more major companies adopt the technology, the more aware people will become and they will then follow suit. Experts are predicting a rapid rise for virtual reality over the next few years and you can certainly see that happening.