HR Answerbox – Helping Startups Achieve Their Own HR Personnel | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report

HR is a vital part of a growing and successful business. It’s important that employees feel valued and know they have somewhere to turn when they need assistance. But that doesn’t mean the job is easy, especially in a small business.

Whether you have 1 employee or 1,000 you have to establish some form of HR if you’re going to succeed. HR Answerbox works with business owners and managers advising them on how to solve employee problems with honest and clear communication.

Started by Amanda Haddaway after 19 years of HR experience, HR Answerbox was the solution to small businesses and startups missing an HR professional. By offering consultations and corporate training they can help to resolve the problem of endless HR concerns.

Though it’s acknowledged that not everyone has the budget, time, or desire to work one-on-one with an HR consultant.

That’s where the HR Action Planner comes in.

This do-it-yourself digital workbook provides a roadmap for small businesses and startups to help them overcome HR problems that are mounting up. It contains over 60 pages filled with useful information, worksheets, and templates that can be integrated into any business.

For more information head over to today.