By: Nick Gambino
Companies that create content that relies on ads to turn a profit are always looking for new ways to get users to view these ads. This is true of nearly every streaming platform and even streaming devices.
That’s why it’s not surprising that Roku has started showing ads before the home screen even loads. That’s right. We’re not talking ads on the home screen or before a movie or show starts or even during a movie or show. These ads are popping up and auto-playing before you’ve even hit the main page when firing up Roku.
It’s as if a developer thought “What if there was a break or moment of peace where we could shove more promotional content that we haven’t thought of yet?” Then they realized the only real uncharted space left to stick an ad was during the loading screen. Slide an ad in where people are generally used to waiting anyway and voila, you’re a genius.
Except that’s not how people are reacting. Imagine just trying to hit home base, square one, having just turned on your Roku player or TV to try and watch something. Before you even have the satisfaction of the thing being on, you’re forced to watch an ad. And for those wondering – no, these are not skippable ads.
Users took to the internet boards to air out their grievances. A Reddit post noting the ad change garnered dozens of responses like:
“If it keeps up, my Roku devices will be in the trash.”
“I’ve been a huge Roku advocate but this will end that.”
“I could accept a static ad on the side. Forcing a loud commercial is awful.”
“If they make me watch an ad to get to my apps to watch TV I’m out.”
Obviously forcing ads into a space and time that has traditionally been a no-fly zone is obnoxious. But if I step back and check my Type A infused entitlement, how bad is watching a 30-second ad that I can’t skip? Especially considering all of the “free” perks and amenities that come with technologies and these streaming devices.
For now, it looks like Roku is just testing the feature. If it proves super unpopular they probably won’t roll it out wide.