Trinus VR – A Portal for Your PC Virtual Reality Games | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report

Virtual Reality has come a long way since the crude designs from the 80s and 90s, but it still is an expensive technology.

Trinus VR is the affordable solution that uses the hardware you already own. It’s a software that connects your PC to your smartphone.

First, you start by downloading the PC application.

Next, download the Android app and put on the headset. Trinus VR then uses your phone’s display and sensors to transform it into a portal for your PC Virtual Reality games. And the best part of it is, it’s wireless! That allows you to experience full 360 gameplay without worrying about yanking wires.

Trinus VR is optimized for Daydream, Google’s VR certified platform. But also works on older, non-certified smartphones. There’s even a Trinus version to use Playstation’s VR headset on your PC! It supports SteamVR PC games as well as those never designed for VR. It simply converts them for the ultimate immersive experience.

You’ll discover a whole new way to play your favorite classic and
modern games. All that at a fraction of the cost of a dedicated VR headset for PC.

To start using Trinus VR today, visit