KROOZ – Safe Ride-Sharing App | NewsWatch Review
App Watch
Ride-sharing apps are super popular these days, but it seems like some of the more popular ride-sharing services are always in the news for incidents with unsafe drivers or disorderly...
Sabacc – Star Wars Universe Game | NewsWatch Review
App Watch
With the release of a new generation of Star Wars films, the force is as strong as ever. So if you’re a space odyssey fan and like skill-based card games...
Four Spectacular Gaming Apps for iOS
Gaming applications are some of the hottest and top-grossing applications for iOS devices. If you have an iOS device such as an iPhone or iPad, then you most likely enjoy when...
Gismart – Real Guitar Instrumental App | NewsWatch Review
If you’re interested in music, you’ve probably spent some time browsing through apps trying to find one that will give you the true musical instrument experience. Well look no further than...
Voux – Create and Share Memorable Experiences | NewsWatch Review
App Review
A motto we like to live by is you should live life with the intention of continually creating memorable experiences. Hopefully you live by that too. Well here is an...
Muzeit – Music Sharing App| NewsWatch Review
App Review
These days we use our smartphones for so much more than just making calls – we can stay up to date with our friends on social media and listen to...
Updown Fitness – Personalized Workouts | NewsWatch Review
App Review
Alright, so it is no longer the new year and you are feeling like maybe you are ready to revisit that resolution you made a few months back to start...
Play My Way – Entertain and Educate | NewsWatch Review
App Review
It is an extremely difficult task to keep kids entertained while also helping them learn. Parents are in constant search for educational apps that are both beneficial and entertaining for their...
Social Network Analyzer – Who is Watching you? | NewsWatch Review
App Review
You spend a lot of time on social media, don’t you? Don't worry, most of us do. And if you are like us, you have probably been at least a little bit...
Outback App – Simplify Your Dining Experience | NewsWatch Review
App Review
When you think of a steakhouse there are a few go-to spots that come to mind. But let’s be honest - the leader of the pack is Outback Steakhouse. It is hard...