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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

5 Best Holiday Destinations for 2022

2022 has the potential to be the year you take your vacation plans to the next level.  There's nothing stopping you from making up for the time you were unable to...

Could the Steam Deck Change Mobile Gaming?

Mobile gaming has continued to be a highly popular activity for many individuals around the world, with recent statistical data highlighting just how many continue to regularly be active regarding using...

How Professional Video Can Grow Your Business

By: Nick Gambino You’ve heard it before, but it bears repeating – a professional and informative video will significantly increase traffic to your site. That in turn will help grow your business....

WhatsApp Adds Message Reactions

Photo: Jeremy Bezanger By: Nick Gambino Message reactions have become a staple of text conversations on nearly every platform, including Messenger, iMessage, Signal, Instagram, and Twitter DMs. The option to simply tag...

A Guide to Finding the Most Trustworthy Online Casinos

When it comes to online entertainment, online casinos stand out for being among the leading options for lots of people. However, despite their popularity, online gambling sites have not been able...

3 B2B Startup Ideas

Are you looking to start your own business? Would you like to get involved in the B2B market? If so, there are plenty of opportunities where you can make a healthy...

5 Important Skills that an eLearning Project Manager Must Possess

Online training and learning consist of various aspects that help in delivering training effectively. Merely creating eLearning material, integrating the latest technology with your learning management system, picking up the best...

5 Things to Know Before You Sign Up Discovery+ in Canada

Are you considering signing up for Discovery+? Based on my findings with the Discovery+ product, I anticipate that the service will appeal to three distinct kinds of people: Cord-cutters: Discovery+ is...

Biggest Mistakes Investors Make In Volatile Markets

Investing, especially in volatile markets, calls for a deeper understanding of the market. Wrong decisions may have ripple effects that can negatively impact your portfolio.   Most investors make entry and exit decisions...

Netflix Cracks Down on Password Sharing

Photo: Mollie Sivaram By: Nick Gambino Netflix has always seemed pretty lax about their subscribers sharing passwords with family and friends outside their household. I wouldn’t say they’ve condoned it, but they...