News Stand

The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

Instagram Captures 700 Million Users on Its Way to 1 Billion

By: Nick Gambino Instagram is on a roll racking up 100 million additional monthly active users in the last 4 months alone. With that huge upsurge in monthly users, Instagram is now...

SQL Injections: The Unwanted Heirloom

Source: Pixabay There’s a certain irony in undoing high-tech systems with the simplest tools, breaking into bank vaults with a bent hairpin or guessing your grandmother’s account details using the names of...

The New Samsung Galaxy S8 Delivers but Misses a Couple Marks

By: Nick Gambino With the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 exploding battery fiasco, some consumers are justifiably a little weary of signing onto Samsung’s newest smartphone, the Galaxy S8. Though upon initial inspection,...

The New Amazon Echo Adds a Screen for Video Calling

By: Nick Gambino The popular Amazon Echo has added a convenient IoT tool to our everyday lives; an audio assistant that can answer virtually any verbal question and even purchase anything you...

YouTube Star Arrested for Playing Pokémon Go in a Church

By: Nick Gambino In a true sign of the separation of church and state, a popular YouTube star in Russia named Sokolovsky, was arrested for playing Pokémon Go in a church. That’s...

Google Partners with GE Appliances to Cook Your Food

By: Nick Gambino Who would have thought the time would come that we could utter the words, “Ok Google, pre-heat the oven” and not mean it sarcastically? GE just announced a partnership...

Throne: Kingdom at War

There are plenty of MMOs out there on the mobile market but real hits that’ll keep you coming back for more are few and far between. Throne: Kingdom at War is...

iGaming in 2017: Trends for the Months to Come

Source: Wikimedia Commons Around the world, iGaming represents a solid bet – in the UK, Europe, and the United States, the numbers consistently trend upwards and a renewed focus on younger people...

New Trump Bill Will Allow Government to Hack and Destroy Any Drone in the...

By: Nick Gambino Reportedly (or allegedly?) there’s a new bill from the Trump administration making its rounds among Congressional staff that would allow the government to hack, disable or destroy any drone...

Food Production Transparency Is Expected in the Future

By: Megan Nichols Consumers are demanding to know what, exactly, is in their food. The call for transparency is a call to repair trust in food production practices and ingredient names that...