Hitachi – Wi-Fi Speakers for the Home | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review We're no strangers to high quality wireless speakers. Given it is such a popular market these days, making the right choice for the best sound and best value is important....
The Dot | Braille Watch

The Dot | New Braille Smart Watch Caters To Visually Impaired

By: Nick Gambino A new smart watch, the Dot, catering to the blind, is being built that will allow the visually impaired to read their digital data in braille. The blind or visually...
Siri Can Transcribe Voicemail

Soon Siri Will Be Able To Transcribe Your Voicemail

By: Nick Gambino Is there anything Siri can’t do? The answer is “Yes, plenty.” But soon she’ll at least be able to do more. Apple is currently testing a feature where Siri...
GoPro Session

New GoPro Session Camera Proves To Be The Best Yet

by: Nick Gambino GoPro is basically synonymous with high-octane, extreme sports videography. Whether it’s capturing a surfer’s sick stunt or capturing me crying like a 4 year old girl after jumping out...
Facebook MoneyPenny

Facebook, In True 007 Fashion, Introduces Their Own “Moneypenny”

by: Nick Gambino Apple really started something with this whole Siri thing, my God. It seems everyone and their mother is quick to jump on the personal virtual/digital assistant bandwagon. Microsoft has...

G Hold – Never Lose Grip on Your Tablet

Tech Report Tablets like the iPad and Samsung Galaxy Tab have afforded us a convenience in life that smartphones and laptops cannot offer. That being said, they do come with their own...

Miragii – Fashionable Smart Jewelry | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Review A few months ago we highlighted a smart necklace called the Miragii. It is the necklace pendant that is also a Bluetooth device that pairs with a smartphone to...

Zorloo – Life Should Be Fun | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Review In this day and age, audio appliances should be at a much higher caliber than Walkman’s or Boomboxes. No one likes being stuck with a pair of bad headphones....
matti makkonen

Matti Makkonen – Man Who Invented Text Messaging Dies At 63

by: Nick Gambino Try and remember the last time you went 24 hours without texting. Go on, try and remember. Can’t do it, can you? Text messages are as much a part...
WWDC 2015

Apple’s WWDC 2015 | Top 5 Reveals

By: Nick Gambino The tech world is alive with the sound of music. Apple Music to be precise. At the Worldwide Developer’s Conference, Apple finally announced the relaunch of their streaming music...