
Guardzilla – Smart Guard Your World | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Review Did you know that 2 million homes are broken into annually? Now 90% of convicted burglars have said that they avoid houses with alarm systems. So if you're worried...

IDEX – Biometric Security Advancements | NewsWatch Review

Tech Product Review Everyone knows that in this modern digital age identity theft is a serious issue. It is easier than ever to purchase goods and services right from your computer or...

Governor – Web Content Mastery! | NewsWatch Review

Tech Product Review Website content management can be a huge pain. If you have ever run a website, you have probably noticed that tools like Wordpress are not as user friendly or...

Global Kristall – Liquid Screen Protector | NewsWatch Review

Tech Product Review Cell phones are not necessarily the most hardy of devices. Particularly those pretty touch screens we have become so fond of. Many people believe that screen protectors are a...

Gevey Box – Waterproof Umbrella Case | NewsWatch Review

Tech Product Review It is not uncommon to see phone cases promote themselves as being water resistant. This usually means your phone is protected against water spills or splashes. Protection from a...

Freetel – The Samurai Project | NewsWatch Review

Tech Product Review Most people these days own a cellphone. We often take for granted how easy they have made our lives. Most folks only focus on what their cellphones do to make...
Gwee Racer Case

Gwee Racer Case – Clean and Efficient | NewsWatch Review

Tech Product Review How much do you hate seeing fingerprints on your iPad screen? Aside from looking at them, it is even more annoying trying to clean them off. Sure, you can...

BolehVPN – Stay Secure On The Net | NewsWatch Review

Tech Product Review A lot of what we do these days is on our computers and, even more so, online. It helps us stay connected with friends and families and meet people...

Saygus – The Future of Smartphones | CES 2015 Product Review

CES 2015 Product Review The Saygus V² is a smartphone with a ton of unique added features. Its edge-to-edge borderless 5 inch screen gives you a large viewable screen in the front,...