ProShift – Bicycle Gear Technology | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Bicycling is a great form of exercise, a great way to travel, and an all-around fun time.  But what if your bike knew when to shift gears to keep you...

The Iconic Sega Genesis Console is Back

By: Nick Gambino When I was coming up back in the day there were two types of kids: those that played Nintendo and those that played Sega. Now there was some overlap...

Snapchat Releases Trippy New World Lenses Update

By: Nick Gambino Snapchat is nothing if not fun and irreverent. With their introduction of lens filters, users are going nuts with squeaky-voiced videos and bug eyes that look like something out...

HTC To Bring VR to Arcades

By: Nick Gambino I have fond memories of spending hours upon hours in local arcades in the heart of Manhattan back in the 80s and 90s, sinking endless quarters into games like...

FlexiSpot – Ergonomic Adjustable Desk | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Studies have shown that sitting for long periods of time, especially in an 8-hour work day, isn’t good for you. FlexiSpot offers ergonomically sound solutions to a sitting and standing...
ever shared photo

Ever – A New Way To Share and Store Photos

By: Nick Gambino With the number of photos we take on a daily basis it's a wonder they haven't created smartphones with 1TB storage. Between selfies, food served to us at a...

Combat Ignored False Alarms and Keep your Home Safe with Home8

By: Nick Gambino In researching this article I was shocked to discover that in the U.S. alone a burglary occurs every 18 seconds. Now I know sometimes reading these kind of statistics...

Apple Ditches the Iconic Startup Chime on New MacBook Pro

By: Nick Gambino The new MacBook Pro sports some major changes as announced last week in a special keynote at Apple’s headquarters. But now we’re hearing of another major change that might...
New Mac Pro

Apple Reveals New MacBook with Major Changes

By: Nick Gambino In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Apple’s first notebook launch, the new MacBook Pro was just revealed. Tim Cook and his crew announced the MacBook Pro at a keynote...
Drive Free Car

Are Cars Today More Computer Than Vehicle?

By: Megan Nichols In 1993, “Jurassic Park” featured a fleet of camouflaged jeeps that have left a permanent mark on the sci-fi community. It wasn’t just their eye-catching – and often imitated –...