Amazon’s New Kickstarter Collection | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review By: Kassidy Coleman In recent years, it’s become pretty apparent that Amazon is very supportive of fostering innovations. They’ve been working to make delivery by drone a reality and last year...

3D Movies Without The Glasses | NewsWatch Review

Tech Review By: Kassidy Coleman Okay, so pretty much you either hate 3D movies or you love them. And if you hate them most likely it is because of the glasses that you...

Headphones that Play Music Through your Bones, Not Your Ears

Tech Review By: Nick Gambino There are a number of innovative headphones out there from wireless Bluetooth to noise-cancelling but they are all still just earphones. What if we could hear music, not through...

The IntelliGLASS HD Screen Protector Shatters the Competition

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino The Samsung Galaxy S7 has just recently beat out the iPhone 6s for the top-selling smartphone spot. In fact, 16 percent of smartphone buyers in America bought the...

Is Bitcoin Real Money? What a Miami Judge Had to Say

Tech Report By: Nick Gambino When a Miami court judge declared Bitcoin is not real money it sent reverberations through the cryptocurrency world. Up until now we’ve been freely buying and selling with...

Why 3D Printing Faces Cyber Security Risks

Tech Report By: Megan Nichols You’ve certainly heard about 3D printing a lot lately. It seems to be the next big thing in technology. However, with technological advancements, there comes new cybersecurity risks —...

KickassTorrents Gets it’s A$$ Kicked but Gets Back Up | NewsWatch Review

Tech News  By: Nick Gambino Despite the arrest of the founder and operator (alleged) of KickassTorrents (KAT), Artem Vaulin, and the subsequent seizure of its domains, it seems the site is back up and...

Nerdeo – Online Collaboration for Film & Game Projects | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Are you interested in making films? Or maybe you have a passion for developing games? Collaboration is often the key to success in both of those industries. Luckily, online creative collaboration...

Accuvin – Quality Wine Testing | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report We all know that most producers in the wine industry pride themselves on delivering high-quality products. But have you ever wondered what goes into producing fine wine? Well, one of...

Semble – Easily Create Your Custom Apps | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report How many apps do you have on your phone or tablet? Probably a lot, most of us do. We think it's safe to say that apps are easily one of the...