Minds and Machines – Top Level Domains | NewsWatch Review

Tech Report Review

The Internet is undergoing a massive change when it comes to domain names.  Thousands of new Top level domains, known as TLDs or the last portion of a domain name are changing the way the internet is addressed. While most people only know of .coms  – there are more relevant and affordable options.

Minds And MachinesMinds and Machines will help with that. They participate in and provide services for many facets of the domain name industry, from registry ownership and operations to consumer sales. They currently have an interest in over two dozen uncontested gTLD applications, including .London.

Today, you can choose from hundreds of different endings resulting in new website and email names for people and brands.  Take runway.fashion for example.  If you love fashion, you’ll want a website url that is more intuitive. It’ll result in a better user experience, and it’s cheaper. Yourname.com could cost you thousands of dollars, while new gTLDs will on average cost $25.

There are a few major players in the GLTD business – some of the biggest being Minds and Machines, Google and Amazon.  Not only do Minds and Machines own and operate 34 TLDs like .fashion and .law, but they also use them in innovative ways.  They recently partnered with bloggers and brands to take the Coachella experience online for the world of fashion with blogchella.fashion.

So if you are interested in finding a new domain, go to a registrar like GoDaddy, NameCheap, and Minds and Machines to search for the name with the ending that’s right for you. Minds and Machines benefits include higher search rankings, great premium and short to remember names, lower PPC cost, brand protection, and much more.

If you want to learn more about Minds and Machines, head on overmindsandmachines.com.