We’ve all been there: we’re playing our favourite shooter and thinking we’re doing well, only to get fragged and immediately rage-quit. It happens to the best of us. 

But how can you stop rage-quitting and actually get really good at the shooters you’re playing? Well, you’re about to find out. While practice is essential, going in with the right tactics and ideas is also critical. 

Here’s everything you need to know: 

Take Regular Breaks

The first step is to take regular breaks. Rage quitting usually happens after you’ve been trying to beat the opposing team for more than 30 minutes. Eventually, the intensity of the on-screen action gets to you and you need a breather. 

If you can feel yourself getting angry, take this as a sign. Usually, you don’t need much time to calm down. Going to the kitchen for some British tea and crumpets will often do the trick. 

Watch Pro Gamers

Another tactic is to watch pro gamers with the most advanced Call of Duty MW3 accounts to see what they are doing. You’ll notice they remain unfazed when they get killed (most of them at least). 

The reason for this is their focus. Instead of worrying about the odd frag here or there, they are simply focusing on the gameplay at that moment. If someone kills them, they take that information on board and use it for the next round. 

This pragmatic approach is something that could serve you, too. The less emotional you can be about a game, the more likely you are to thrive. 

Learn From Your Mistakes

Related to this is the concept that you want to learn from your mistakes. Knowing where you are going wrong can help you improve outcomes next time around. 

Many players like to rush into situations with their guns blazing. But over time, the more astute players learn how most situations develop and adapt. Many of these individuals can get kill-death ratios above two, once they understand the proper tactics. It just takes time for your unconscious mind to learn what to do. 

Adjust Your Settings

A bad workman always blames his tools – at least, that’s how the saying goes. But the reality in the gaming space is more complicated than that. Lag and frame drops can make a substantial difference in the overall experience. 

Therefore, it’s a good idea to play around with your in-game settings for a while until you get something that fits your preferences and style. Don’t be afraid to lower the resolution or texture quality if it means getting a higher frame rate and more kills. 

Many of the world’s best gamers deliberately nerf their graphics to achieve higher frame rates. The more of the on-screen action they can perceive, the more likely they are to make it out alive. 

Use Plenty Of Cover

While playing, use plenty of cover. Imagine you were fighting a battle in real life. You wouldn’t want to be out in the open. 

Game developers design combat maps to have plenty of crouching and hiding spots. Uses these as much as possible when tracking enemy positions. 

Being more strategic can prevent sudden deaths that cause you to rage-quit. It also gives you more opportunities to kill other players by camping out and waiting for them to come closer. 

Manage Your Expectations

Another approach to avoiding rage-quitting is to simply manage your expectations. You don’t have to complete every round perfectly.

Instead of seeing matches as something you need to win, view them as a learning opportunity. Accept that you’re still new to the game and it’s going to take time before you can achieve the high standards of other players on the map. 

Once you know that the experience is about getting better, it changes your emotions. When someone drops you, you’re learning from that experience and know what you should avoid doing in the future. 

Find A Community

It can also help if you find a community of players to work with. Forming a clan helps on so many levels. 

For instance, it makes it less likely that you’ll rage quit. You won’t want to leave your teammates in the lurch. 

It also gives you an opportunity to learn from the skilled players around you. Many will understand the optimal tactics for defeating the enemy and winning on any given map. 

Finally, being in a community helps you feel more supported. Even if you are going up against tough competition, you feel like you are in a better position than random noobs.