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Body Surf

Body Surf – Delivering Natural Taste to Satisfy Your Cravings | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update We all need water to live and thrive yet most of us live in a state of chronic dehydration.  We actually want to drink more but plain old water gets...
Fizzing Cool

Fizzing Bottle – Giving You Access to Carbonated Water at Anytime | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update Drinking water is essential to survival, but water is not the most interesting drink – sometimes we need something a little more exciting. That’s why many turn to carbonated water. Well,...
Game of Phones

Game of Phones – Ice-Breaking Card Game with a Touch of Your Phone |...

Consumer Update We all know people who are attached to their phones, right? Well, if you also love a good game, you need to check out this card game where no one has...

ZenToes – Providing Fast, Holistic Pain Relief for Feet | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update Anyone who has ever lived with a bunion knows the discomfort that accompanies these bony bumps. They’re a real pain in the foot. But short of surgery, what can we...
Krank It

Krank-It – USA Produced Bike Chain and Cable Lubrication | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update If you’re an avid cyclist, you know that your bike is your baby.  And taking care of it is not just important, but often a passion for riders.  One area...
Atelier Wen

Atelier Wen – Modern Watches Steeped in Chinese Heritage | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update While “Made in China” seems to be taboo these days, there are valid items that bear that moniker. Atelier Wen, for example, doesn’t hide from it when designing and promoting...
Mass Eden

Take Care of Sensitive Skin with Mass Eden

Consumer Update Let’s dispense with an old myth many of us seem to still hang onto: Taking care of yourself is not selfish. There’s nothing egotistical or “me, me, me” about self-care....

Yummy Sake – Discover Your Favorite Sake | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update If you love sake, we found an incredible resource for you. Yummy Sake is an innovative service that lets you discover your favorite sake by combining a blind-tasting method and...
Santo Coffee

Santo Coffee Cubes – A New and Easier Way to Drink Your Coffee |...

Consumer Update If you’re like us, you probably drink a cup or two of coffee per day. But with our busy lives, it can be difficult to continually stop and get a...

Geon – Blockchain-Based AR Mobile App | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update As augmented reality, or AR, becomes more and more a part of our everyday lives--think PokemonGO-- trend-setting companies are using it, along with other groundbreaking technologies, to transform everything from...