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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

CES 2022 Forges on After Amazon, Intel and Meta Drop Out

Photo by Moises Gonzalez By: Nick Gambino CES is the biggest and most attended electronics show in the world but even so it’s not impervious to negative impact thanks to an ongoing pandemic....

Screen Time Concerns – How to Get your Child Away from Electronics

Technology continues to grow in popularity which means the likelihood of finding your child glaring at a screen all day is on the rise too. From iPads to gaming consoles, no...
travel light

6 Travel Hacks We Guarantee Will Leave You Speechless

Wouldn't you like to go traveling more often and actually spend less money? You can! Accommodation, plane tickets, and food do not need to cost you an arm and a leg...

How Remote Sensing Helps Manage Natural Resources

Land and water resources largely determine the economic situation of any country. Natural resources provide raw materials for the industry. The population receives food, medicine, and energy due to them. However,...

Developing A Branded App For Your Business

Do you have a smartphone or a tablet? Of course, you do. You probably also use a lot of different apps on them. You see all those tiny little icons on...

Biden Reinstates Immigration Policy

In the past few years, there have been troubles with the Immigration Policy in the US. Many people wanting to live in the land of the free experienced a brief stall...

Must-Know Differences Between A Proxy And A VPN

Technological innovation is all around us. It seems that every day something new has the potential to change our lives. Sometimes innovation needs to be tempered with a bit of security....

Why Are eSports So Popular in Thailand?

Thailand is a country where gaming plays an important part in everyday life. The country has 32 million active gamers, 95% of whom play mobile games, and another 85% play PC...

Christmas Movies to Watch on December 25th

By: Nick Gambino Christmas is the one holiday a year that has more movies dedicated to it than any other, and it’s not even a close second. Thanksgiving has, if I’m being...

The Evolution of Entertainment Since 2000 Years Ago

Entertainment has changed and evolved over countless years to get to where it is now. A lot of this change comes down to the shifting of viewpoints and tastes of people...