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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

Halo Infinite Multiplayer Drops Early

By: Nick Gambino To kick off the 20th anniversary of Halo, Microsoft dropped an early release of Halo Infinite multiplayer. While it’s just a beta, everyone rocking an Xbox One, Series S/X...

Which Video Poker Game Has Best Odds?

Video poker isn’t the easiest casino game to play, but it does have one of the best odds of winning. The odds are different for each variation, and there are a...

Everton New Stadium Construction Dates Confirmed With A Capacity Of 52,888 People

Everton Club in the UK has now received permission to build a new stadium with a capacity of almost 52,888 people at the Bramley-Moore Dock site. This club will outsource 10,000...

3 Tricks That Can Boost SEO Efficiency for Your Business

Search engine optimization is one of the most important things that each and every digital marketing agency is looking forward to implementing. Not only does it improve the chances of business...

The Top-Rated Sports Betting Apps With iOS Support

The modern era of sports betting has been revolutionized through the ability to place wagers on the go. Mobile sports betting apps are conquering the market by allowing customers to bet...

Top Trends Driving Growth of the Video Gaming Industry

The gaming industry is one of the biggest and fast-growing industries globally, with an estimated value of $170 billion. Why is that? The reasons are simple. Many games are free to play,...

The Business of Portable Minds

Artificial Intelligence is one of the most exciting new technological arenas being developed at the moment. It’s not yet a reality for us to see robots solving, planning and learning just...

Elon Musk Sells Tesla Stock Worth Billions

Photo by Milan Csizmadia on Unsplash By: Nick Gambino In true Elon fashion, the Tesla CEO posted a Twitter poll asking his 63.4 million followers whether he should sell or not. He...

5 Ways to Travel and Make Money Online

Best Ways to Earn Money While Traveling – More and more people are opting for "gap-year experiences," in which they travel for months and even years to fully immerse themselves in...

Netflix Tests New TikTok-Style Feature for Kids

Photo by Thibault Penin on Unsplash By: Nick Gambino Netflix just started testing a new feature in their iOS app aimed at kids. Taking a page out of the TikTok and Instagram...