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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

Why Are Highway Signs Green?

There are some specific reasons for some highway signs being colored green, as opposed to any other color. It has nothing to do with the green of nature or for any...

Cannabis, Sports Betting and AI: Creative Applications for AI

It didn’t take long between the mainstream development and widespread use of AI, and creative market applications using the technology to be put into place. If you associate AI with remote surgery...
Tom Cruise NASA

Tom Cruise Teams Up with NASA and Elon Musk to Film Movie in...

By: Nick Gambino In a move many of us would deem “impossible,” Tom Cruise is teaming up with NASA and SpaceX (Elon Musk) to film a movie in space. The yet-to-be-announced project...

Top 4 Tips to Fight Off Stress

Stress and anxiety are common conditions that most people experience at least once in their lives. It can indeed be hard to find a way to heal your illnesses, but luckily,...

Where Is a Good Place to Buy CBD Oil?

CBD oil is an excellent way to enjoy your daily dose of CBD. It has quickly become one of the most well-liked forms of CBD. With some CBD oils made from as...

CBD Oil for Sale | Buy CBD Online

CBD oil is one of the most straightforward and most enjoyable ways to consume CBD. Over recent years an increasing number of people are turning to CBD oils as a natural...

7 Ideas to Work Safely from Home During the Corona Virus Lock Down Time

The Corona virus outbreak has changed our lives tremendously with one of the major changes being people all over the world are now working from home. Whilst trying to remain as...

Incorporation of Cryptocurrency in Online Gambling

Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency that was introduced in years 2009 as open-source software. Since then it has changed the many business sectors. Most of the IT industries have incorporated cryptocurrency...

How Technology is Changing Auto Insurance 

It's no doubt that technology has changed all aspects of our lives. It's changed how we shop, educate, communicate, and how we drive. We now have electric cars, Bluetooth radio systems,...
Google Meet

Google Makes Google Meet Videoconferencing Software Free

By: Nick Gambino Google Meet, the company’s Skype and Zoom competitor, is now free for everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic and global quarantine has forced many of us to seek out video...