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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

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Online Gaming Will Continue Its Rise to the Top of the Slots in 2017

Its 2017: the year that voice recognition software is getting its own recognition in search engines, the year of fully immersive virtual reality gaming, but also the year that looks set...

Aerial Video of New Apple Park Lit Up at Night is Stunning

By: Nick Gambino The mammoth new Apple Park will be one of the largest corporate campuses on the planet when it opens in the coming weeks. As it stands it’ll cover 175...

Snapchat New 3D World Lenses are Best Yet

By: Nick Gambino Easily one of the coolest features of Snapchat is the ability to drop interesting 3D filters on your face making you look like a dog (I don’t need a...

Top 10 Earth Day Events in the U.S.

By: Nick Gambino Earth Day is as significant a day in 2017 as it has been in years past. With legal de-regulations threatening to allow the further pollution and degradation of our...

Green Spaces Promote Mental Health

By: Megan Ray Nichols Spring has finally sprung. The ravages of winter have taken its toll on everyone. Have your thoughts turned to frolicking in the park and communing with nature? Whether...

Bitcoin for a Day: Is it Possible to Live off Cryptocurrency?

As a mobile payment method, Bitcoin is gaining prominence alongside apps like Samsung and Apple Pay, a surge in popularity helped no end by the cryptocurrency's triumph over gold for value...

Amazon Using Robot Dog to Test Drone Deliveries

By: Nick Gambino Ok, so here’s a strange one, Amazon has been testing their UAVs’ (unmanned aerial vehicles) response to dogs using…wait for it…a simulated dog. This is according to the International...
kitchen bixi

Introducing Bixi: The Latest Gadget in Gesture Control

When you think of gesture control, you might think of hopelessly trying to play a game of tennis on the Nintendo Wii. However, gesture control has come a long way since...

Spotify Will Release New Albums Early for Paying Members

By: Nick Gambino If you’re a non-paying user of Spotify because you think it’s not really that big a difference from a paying option, the streaming music giant is about to make...
Computer crime concept

Insidious Innovations: 5 Ways Hackers Are Improving Their Techniques

Recent media attention to the Wikileaks reports of the CIA’s purported ability to hijack smart TV’s and other internet-connected devices obscures what may be a greater issue: all hackers (and not...