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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.


Star Wars: Episode VIII Gets a Title – What Does It Mean?

By: Nick Gambino Star Wars movies are slated to hit theaters pretty much every year from now until who knows when, with The Force Awakens and Rogue One having already opened to...
Huawei phone

Huawei’s Latest Mobile Challenge

Written & Edited By: Andrew Tropeano The Chinese tech firm Huawei have slowly been building a fantastic reputation for their smartphones that offer all of the power of their more well-known rivals...

Small Robots Will Start Making Deliveries to Your Door

By: Nick Gambino Starship robots have been making their way around other countries delivering orders directly to doorsteps but now we’ll start seeing them here in the U.S. Postmates and DoorDash have struck...

Internet Dangers For Children and Ways to Prevent Them

Children and teens today are more tech-savvy than ever. Having grown up with the technology we've seen evolve so quickly over time. But even when your kids have as much technical know-how...

Airbus Promises Flying Car Prototype by End of 2017

By: Nick Gambino Just as we were getting used to the idea of a self-driving car on the road, here comes Airbus with the idea for a self-FLYING car. As a brilliant solution...

Apple Looks to Create Original TV Shows

By: Nick Gambino Apple is looking to expand beyond tech devices and streaming music into the realm of original TV programming. According to an article by The Wall Street Journal, Apple is meeting...

California Drought Made Worse With Lack of Conservation

California is entering year six of the drought that’s been plaguing the state. Despite conservation efforts, 73 percent of the state remains in drought conditions. In August 2015, Californians reduced urban water...

On-Demand Snow Shoveling Service with the Shovler App

By: Nick Gambino Depending on where you live you’re either just seeing the first signs of snowfall or have already been buried 3 feet under more than once this season. No matter your...

3 Benefits of Using an Ecommerce Site to Sell a Single Product

The internet is the perfect place for niche, handmade goods to find a willing buyer. In fact, thanks to websites like Pinterest, homemade goods are increasingly popular these days. Ecommerce stores...

CES 2017: More Tech, More Gadgets, More Fun

By: Bryan Tropeano We’ve been at CES for a couple days now and we have some highlights, top gadgets and all the buzz that’s circulating the event. GoPro, Inc. We’re pretty sure you’ve seen...