
Listen to Any Text in the World with Speechify

AppWatch Whether you have ADHD, Dyslexia, or simply sit in front of the computer all day, it can be exhausting to have to get through hundreds of emails, pdfs, contracts and then...

The Ultimate Portable Fire Pit by TIKI Brand

Consumer Update There’s something so comforting about gathering around the fire on a chilly night. The glow dancing across your face as you enjoy your time with friends and family, the flame...
White Label Loyalty

White Label Loyalty – Your One-Stop Solution for Customer Loyalty and Rewards

Biz Report Engaging customers is integral to any company’s success. It’s not enough to simply put up a sign and a website. Rewards and loyalty programs encourage existing and potential customers to...

Funphix – STEM Toys Your Child Can Build and Use

Consumer Update Building is a great way for kids to spark their imaginations and feel pride in creating something wonderful. Now imagine having kids build their personal toys and playthings with their own...
Guard Dog Valve

Avoid Unexpected Water Leaks with The Guard Dog Valve

Consumer Update Chances are you have a leaky toilet in your house, and we’re not talking small leaks here A wide-open flapper could waste over 6000 gals per day. Since you pay not...
Muesli Munch

Muesli Munch – Start Your Day with a Delicious and Unique Breakfast

Consumer Update Cereal, oatmeal, and granola are common breakfast fare, but that doesn’t mean they’re particularly healthy—what with so many of them loaded up with sugar, preservatives, and other nasty ingredients. It’s just...

The More Intuitive Music Player Is the Musens App

AppWatch Music is more accessible than ever what with digital music available anywhere and anytime right from the convenience of your phone. But if you’ve jumped around to different music player apps,...

EON – World’s First Robotic, Touchless, Fat Contouring Device

Consumer Update Get ready for the newest laser technology disrupting the non-invasive lipolysis industry. EON, created by Dominion Aesthetic Technologies, is an FDA-cleared laser administered by a precision-built robotic arm that works...

Practice Your Ping-Pong Skills with the Power Pong Robot

Consumer Update Table tennis or ping-pong requires an immense amount of focus and hand-eye coordination. To achieve that level of skill takes practice, practice, practice. And one of the best ways to practice...

Qarbo – The Sustainable Sparkling Water-Maker and Fruit Infuser

Consumer Update The choices we make now, affect the state of the planet for future generations. And we’re not talking hundreds of years from now but in the next couple of decades. How...