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AppWatch is a weekly segment that provides viewers app reviews and game reviews of the latest and hottest apps and games out on the market for iOS and Android devices.

Our AppWatch segment airs on the Discovery Channel and ION Network. The app reviews are conducted by Joe Toohey and Andrew Tropeano.


Playtech Launches A Brand New Baccarat Game By Eyecon

The Norwegian news portal Casinopånett.eu reports that Eyecon Pty Ltd which was acquired by Playtech in early 2017 for £50 million has yet again made a bold defining move in the...
Loud Steps

Loud Steps – Directional App for the Visually and Hearing Impaired | NewsWatch Review

SXSW Interactive Smartphones might be known as a hub for audio and visual content, but the handy device can also be used to help PEOPLE with visual and audio impairments. Most venues are...

RushHive – Mutual Digital Meeting Ground for Customers and Businesses | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report It's usually never a fun time making a call to customer support – at times, it can even be a nightmare. Whether you’re the customer on hold for an hour...
Age of Magic

Age Of Magic – Turn-Based RPG Mobile Game | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch/Game When it comes to someone who knows their RPGs, they will always tell you that in order for the game to be a success, the story should be fascinating and world...

This Text Will Crash Your Messages App and Here’s How to Fix It

By: Nick Gambino   The internet trolls are back at it again. It seems there’s a new Unicode text message going around that will freeze and crash the Messages app in iOS devices, according...

DecorMatters – Helping Visualize Unlimited Design for Your Room | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch There’s something that's to be said about designing and decorating your home, perhaps instant gratification? But imagination only goes so far. Sometimes you need to see what furniture and designs look...

GetTransfer.com – Transfer Bookings at the Lowest Prices | NewsWatch Review

AppWatch Uber is a convenient way to get to a destination when that destination is over 20 miles away, it becomes financially unfeasible. That’s often the case when it comes to a...
Cancer Diet

The Cancer Diet – Providing Plant-Based, Low Methionine Meals for Cancer Patients & Survivors...

AppWatch Cancer is a disease that affects everyone.  Whether it be a friend, a relative, or a colleague, we all know someone afflicted with the disease. While there are many known methods...

Mussila – Bridging the Gap Between Written Music and the Joy of Playing |...

AppWatch If you’re a parent, you’ve probably thought of ways to improve your child’s overall cognitive development. Well, one popular way to feed your child’s brain is with music. Mussila, created by a...

Sega Genesis to Get the Mini Treatment

By: Nick Gambino With all of the Sega news this week I had to check the calendar to make sure I hadn’t stepped through a time portal that landed me in the...
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