Business to Business (B2B)

Business to Business (B2B)

ITServe Alliance – Network With IT Providers You Can Trust

For over a decade, ITServe Alliance has represented the collective interests of small and medium-scale IT staffing and services companies, and communicated with policymakers on the issues that are important to...

L6 Elite – Software Designed To Build A Better Work Flow

Process improvement using the DMAIC process is integral to business success. DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) makes up the various stages of Lean Six Sigma. Now the five-step process...

CareerEncore – Finding The Right Employees For Your Company

Experienced executives with a winning track record of results can be hard to find if you don't know where to look. A database of potential candidates can only take you so...

Disney Created AI Tool to Age and De-Age Actors

 By: Nick Gambino Making actors look younger or older with the help of CGI has been a staple of plenty of movies over the last 10-15 years, especially blockbuster flicks. These little...

Danavation – Digital Smart Labels Are The Future

Retailers have seen tons of technological innovation in recent years, including self-checkout and contactless payments. But one area that continues to cause problems is updating and managing price labels. Danavation’s Digital...

Importance And Benefits of Realistic Text-To-Speech Software

Text-to-speech (TTS) is an audio text reader technology that READS ALOUD TEXT written on your computers, smartphones, and tablets. TTS technology can grab the words from your device and convert them...

Free Water – The Worlds First Free Beverage Company

So did you guys know that bottled water, you know, bottled water, costs about 2000 times the price of regular old tap water. But hydration is, I think we can all...

Paidly – Don’t Deal With Student Loan Debt Alone

The high rate of employee turnover is a problem for businesses. Research shows that 66% of employees plan to leave their employer within four years. While there are many factors that...

Zapnabit – No App-Fee Delivery Service For Any Size Business

Local businesses and customers want easy delivery, and they want it now, but who wants to pay those high fees? Well, now there's a new Delivery Plus customer pickup app for...

PrintAura – Custom, Quality Prints For Any Business

There are infinite ways to promote your business, from online marketing and print ads to TV spots and flyer handouts, but one of the most organic ways to promote your brand...