Textline – Text Messaging for Your Business | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Your business probably has a phone number, but can that number receive text messages? Your customers already text everyone else. Let them text your business when they have questions. Textline is text...

Pitney Bowes’ EngageOne Video – Better Brand Association and Customer Satisfaction | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report It’s no secret that video is the new growth media for customer engagement, accounting for more than 80 percent of web traffic. It not only engages customers but also generates...

Magnolia – Drive Your Brands’ Engagement and Sales | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Perfecting digital touchpoints like their websites and mobile apps is how today’s leading brands drive engagement and sales. They need a robust, flexible web content management system to help power...

Botsify – Chatbot Customer Service Platform | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Technology has allowed businesses to increase efficiency in ways we never dreamed. With social media and other online tools, we can accomplish so much more. One of the ways in...

PRC-Saltillo – Speech-Generating Device for Those Who are Communication Impaired | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report People with complex communication disorders, including speech, span a wide range of ages and abilities. There’s no one solution that fits all to help them navigate the world. PRC-Saltillo offers a number...

UniVoIP – Bring Your Old Phone System Up-to-Date | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report Your Phone System has been a convenient way to provide phone service to employees throughout an enterprise, but unfortunately, a lot of legacy systems are dated and do not render...

LiveWebinar – Personalize Meetings with Key Branded Elements | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report With today’s technology, you can conduct a meeting from just about anywhere without everyone needing to be in the same room. But not all software is equal, so we’ve done some...

Apple Pays Close Attention to Cryptocurrencies

In an interview with CNN, Jennifer Bailey, the vice president of Apple Pay mentioned that the company is paying very close attention to the developments of the cryptocurrency industry and hopes...

A New Currency and New View on the World with the Alfa App |...

Biz Report At this point, you’ve likely heard about the blockchain and how prevalent it is in modern technology platforms. But do you truly understand it or know how it works?  Well, Blockchain...

Profit – Align Goals and Track Team Contributions | NewsWatch Review

Biz Report It takes a team to make a business run day in and day out, but is everyone running in the same direction? Without goals clearly defined for all, your company might...