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The latest news around the world, focused on businesses, products, services and apps.

Where and How You Can Use Cryptocurrency and Make a Deposit in Online Casinos

If you've felt like you've been inundated with cryptocurrency information recently, you're not alone. Token, cryptocurrency, and initial coin offering (ICO) are terms that seem to have taken over the business...

2022 Cyber Security Threats

There are new threats, hacking methods, and cyber security attacks every year. For example, ransomware attacks came to light and infected computer devices worldwide in 2021, and many threats are expected...

Regular or Jackpot Slots: Which is the most entertaining?

Many gambling enthusiasts will already know that playing slots are amongst one of the most enjoyable types of games available to them when experiencing a positive session.   Indeed, there are a number...

Popular Mobile Smart Wallet Apps in the Middle East

Middle East eCommerce businesses are encouraging their governments to facilitate customers with flexible smart payment methods. For many years, people living in these countries have been using money over cards. After...

Car Accidents Increasing Across Chicago Over Holidays

The holidays are always a busy year for both families and the police. From Thanksgiving to New Year's Day, car accidents have been rising in Chicago. Statistics show that there are...

An Overview of Mobile Trading Platforms – What Traders Should Know About Them

Choosing the right mobile trading platform is now a must for all retail traders, as stock markets and other asset classes remain pretty volatile. Trends are starting to mature and that...

CES 2022 Attendance Drops 75%

By: Nick Gambino After last year’s virtual show, CES returned to an in-person event for the first time since 2020. With more than 2,300 companies on-site in Las Vegas exhibiting their products,...

How to Sell Your House with Tenants

At times, residential house owners face the need to sell their houses via alkoinvestment.com. But after the decision was made, a new question arises, which is to study the rights of...

The Ultimate Private Yacht Art Experience Happens in Setouchi

The islands of the Setouchi region of Japan are often referred to as “jewels of the world” and it’s no wonder. This land of enchantment is home to the world-renowned Setouchi...

Eternal Nation Raises $500K: Donations Via VOIP Phone Services

Today, businesses are not just money-making machines looking forward to merely increasing their profit. Having a socially-responsible corporate culture is one of the critical factors that a highly reputable company should...