Simple Loose Leaf – Subscription Box Service for Teas | NewsWatch Review

Consumer Update

Tea is one of the world’s most consumed drinks, second only to water. And for good reason.

The nuances and varieties of tea are so vast, you can spend a lifetime and never get through all of them. Simple Loose Leaf is a family-owned company that offers a subscription box service dedicated to enriching people’s lives through the love of that delicious beverage known as tea.

The Original Sampler Loose Leaf box comes with a variety of teas including black, herbal, green, and seasonal, like chai during winter. Each month you’ll see teas with names like Yunnan, Earl Grey, Lemongrass, Chamomile, Genmacha, Sencha, Oolong and other varietals you’ve never heard of before.

If you’re not as exploratory, you can also subscribe to their herbal decaf, green tea, and black tea boxes.

Beyond the extensive variety of tea sourced from all around the world, these loose leaf teas are high-quality, giving you a premium product at an affordable price.

Now, Simple Loose Leaf also offers the option to purchase individual teas, if you don’t want to sign up for a subscription box right away.

Make your perfect cup of Simple Loose Leaf tea today by heading to